Chapter 10: Aftermath

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   "We are all gathered today to pay respect to Rudy Danko," said the pastor.
I kept my eyes glued to the ground, unable to look at his casket. My hands trembled as I clenched onto his pocket square. I was surrounded by his friends and family, unable to look them in the eyes. I stood in the very back, trying my hardest to drown out the sound of whimpers and sobs. His grave was surrounded by pink cherry blossum trees. The pink pedals glided through the air as the frigid breeze blew through the air. Everyone circled his grave. One by one people who knew him said a few words. I stared at the ground, my hood hanging over my eyes. I didn't realize how many family members he had. I pulled my eyes up a little to see Manny step forward. He glared down at the casket.
"He's...been my best friend since the 3rd grade." Manny swallowed hard before continuing. "We've  known each other since we were eight years old. We'd get bullied together...laugh video games together. I'm gonna miss your bad jokes. I would always get annoyed when you'd tell me one, cause they were never funny."
He chuckled and fiddled with the buttons on his jacket. "Now all I want is to hear one of them. You—you deserved so much better."
Manny let out a shallow breath as he kneeled in front of the casket and laid a flower on it. "Rest well, my brother."
My lip trembled as I held back the tears. I caused all of this. I'm the one who killed him. Why would any of these people want me here?
My stomach churned as I watched Mrs. Jones step forward. Pain radiated throght my body as she slowly walked closer and closer to his grave, tears streaming down her face. I clenched the pocket square in my fist as I stared at her, knowing that I was the reason her baby boy was now dead, his body still lying in that pile of rubble in Finland.
"I...," she started. She cleared her throat.
"I think the hardest part of loosing Rue, is learning to live without him, always trying to fill the void. Emptiness will always be left inside my heart now."
I squeezed my eyes shut again, forcing the tears back. I took in a deep, raggedy breath before looking back at her. I remembered wanting a funeral for him so badly a few days ago, but now that I was in the moment of it, all I wanted was the earth to swallow me whole.
"You and I will meet again one day. So now it is time to say what I will never be able to hear from you. Goodbye."
My heart was beating so fast as I stared at his grave. I squeezed my fist together and stormed out of the circle. I walked further and further away, towards the car that was waiting for me. I was close. I could reach out and touch the handle, but before I could, I felt a hand on my shoulder.
"Wait!" came her voice. A chill ripped up my spine. I didn't want to turn around. I didn't want to look her in the eyes. "They gave me the PG version of how he died. But I need to know!"
I slowly turned to her, my eyes still glued to the ground. "Please," his mother croaked. "Tell me how my Rue died."
I swallowed hard as I bit my lip. The tangy taste of blood exploded on my tongue. I took in a shaky breath, feeling the hot tears slide down my face as I finally looked into her blood-shot eyes.
"He was helping me find the man who made me," I croaked. I pulled my eyes down again. I couldn't bare to see them anymore. "Once we found him, I—I told him not to come with me...because he could get—."
My throat slammed shut as the image of his lifeless body shot through my brain. I took in another shakey breath, my lip trembling as I tried to push the words out of my mouth. "I didn't know he followed me. Knox...found him before I did and he...he...."
I squeezed my eyes shut, trying my hardest to cast out the images of his electric-blue eyes, the water curling around his limbs, that empty look in his eyes.
"He turned him into a weapon like me. I...had the shot. I could've stopped Knox but I..."
My muscles clenched, my entire body trying to shut down before I could get out that last word. I took in a sharp breath. "I missed...and hit Rudy."
I planted my face in my palms as my eyes exploded with tears. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" I sobbed. Her fingers curled around my shoulders. I braced myself to get punched, but instead, she yanked me into her and wrapped her arms around me. I stood there, frozen as she squeezed me tight.
"As much as I want to hate you, child...I don't. I forgive you," she whispered as she rubbed my back. I shook my head and pulled away.
"You shouldn't," I whispered. I turned and walked to the farthest edge of the graveyard. Sadness and anger swirled around in my heart and beat at my brain. I squeezed my eyes shut as the tears continued to stream down my face. I covered my mouth and backed up against a tree. I should've pushed him harder to stay. I shouldn't have brought him to Finland anyways I should've just ignored him at lunch we he asked me to sit with him, just sat down at another table. If I had done that, then he would still be alive. But instead I let him down. I let him die. I...killed the only person who ever truly loved me back. Anger boiled in the pit of my gut. I squeezed my fist together and cried out in anguish, forcing the raging fire inside me not to come out. I slid down the tree and covered my eyes. My chest was heaving up and down as my heart raced. I squeezed Rudy's pocket square, digging my nails into my skin.
"Hey, Little-bit," came his deep voice. I pulled my eyes up, frozen in place. Did I really just hear his voice? I slowly stood and turned around to see his long blond hair pulled back in a low ponytail. He flashed a weak smile as he stared down at me.
He smiled again and slowly nodded. Without even thinking, I rushed towards him and wrapped my arms around him, sobbing into his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2022 ⏰

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