Chapter 2: The Text Message

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Gaeges Pov: 

I grab my phone and text mully "hey not gonna record today im kinda tired" Mully responds "That's okay you rest" Gaege "thanks" Mully "your welcome" I took this day off to find out if Y/N to hangout and go out and see the city. I texted him and I just wanted to see his probably handsome face for the first time ughh he seems so cute already.

I texted Y/N and he said he would love to see the city with me I am so excited to meet my new pottential boyfriend!😉

Y/N Pov:

I grab my phone and see I have a text from Gaege saying "hey you hangout today and see the city?" I text back saying "yes of course" Gaege left me on read but that is okay I am going to meet Gaege Gibson in real life!

I gave gaege my address so he could pick me up I put on jeans and a nice polo to impress him I want to like me. I am so excited to meet him. I sat down on the couch and waited for him to knock on my door. Oh he is here I am so nervous.

Gaege's Pov: 

I got the address of Y/N and I am at his house I got ready and everything I hope he like's me I knocked on his door and he let me in his home.We sat on the couch for a bit then we left for the city. We went to one of my favorite places to eat then we went back to his place and watched a movie I made the first move and put my arm around him he fell asleep in my arms I held him close and fell asleep with him in my arms.

A/N OMG this chapter made me so happy writing it 

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