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Few Days Later..

She placed her handbag on the backseat before closing the car's door, turning her body towards her parents that are talking with Jimin's. " Y/N-ah.. Go and talk to Jimin. " She nodded at her mama's words then turned her head towards the black that is leaning against the Range Rover, crossing his arms while looking down.

She pursed her lips then slowly make her steps towards him. He sighed heavily, still not looking up although he noticed her presence. " Do you really have to go.. " He mumbled, biting his lips. She sighed then moved closer to him, grabbing his head and leaned it against her shoulder.

" Chim, please.. Don't be like this.. "

She whispered, running her fingers through his hair. He closed his eyes, a tear dropped from his eye before he started sobbing harder. " Shh, shh, shh.. Chim.. " She kissed his temple, moving her hand from his hair to his chubby cheek.

She pulled away slightly, cupping his cheeks as she wiped his tears and made his eyes connected with her's. " I will video call you everyday, alright ? Now please stop crying.. " " I can't afford losing you.. " He sniffled, leaning his forehead against mine.

" No.. You're not losing me. And you will never lose me. I'm just gonna be away for some time. I will come back soon.. Trust me. " She comforted, stroking his cheeks softly. He gulped down his saliva, pulling away from her.

" I-I.. I just can't imagine my life without you.. "

" Hey.. "

She grabbed his wrists, caressing it with her thumbs. " I will always be with you. Here. " She whispered, pointing towards where his heart is. His eyes never leave her as if he will be looking at her, admiring her, for the last time.

" Yes, maybe I will be far away from you physically. But I will always be in your heart and your mind. Okay, Chim ? " She softly said, tilting her head as her lips slowly carved a sweet smile. He blinked his eyes slowly before pulling her body closer to him, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

" I will miss you.. "

" I will miss you even more, baby girl.. "

She broke the hug then pulled out her pinky finger while pouting cutely, causing him to chuckled. " What ? " " Let's make a promise to each other. " The black raised an eyebrow then pulled out his pinky finger too. " Okay, what kinda of promise, hmm ? " She grinned widely then stepped closer to him.

" Alright, let me go first. "

" I promise.. That I will never flirt with other guys and will never cheat on you. "

She spoke, tilting her head, indicating it's his turn. He smiled then pinched her nose gently.

" Okay. I promise that I will never flirt with other girls and will never cheat on you. "

" Pinky promise ? "

She raised an eyebrow, smirking playfully. He carved a small smirk then linked his finger with her's, slightly pulling her even closer.

" Pinky.. Promise.. "

I bit my plump lips, trying to prevent myself from letting the tears fall out of my eyes. I keep my eyes on her that is seen running her fingers through her hair. She then turned her head to me and shot me the sweetest smile ever before sliding the window of the car down.

" Thanks for everything, mummy ! Thanks, daddy ! Chim ! "

I tilted her head, carving a small smile as she called my nickname. Her next words made me immediately looked away as tears started streaming down my face. Oh God, please.. Give me strength to go through this.. I want her by my side.. I want her to be with me..

" I love you ! "

She waved her hand at me as soon as I looked at her with my teary eyes. I raised my hand then waved back at her. She chuckled then shot me a flying kiss. I smiled and showed her my finger heart. The car then started driving away while she slid her window up.

I kept my eyes on the car until it is out of my sight. " Honey.. Let's go home ? " I ignored my mummy then headed towards the Range Rover then hopped into it. I closed the door then leaned my head against the window while taking out my handphone and started playing with it.

This will be hard.. I sighed heavily as I sat down on the backseat, only to see Jimin is leaning his head against the window, his eyes on his phone's screen. " Drive. " My husband spoke as soon as he stepped into the car and sat on the passenger seat. Soon, the car started moving.

" Honey-ah.. "

I softly called him, tilting my head. Silence. I pursed my lips then moved closer to him. " Jimin.. I know it's hard.. But please.. Don't let it effect you, okay ? I don't want anything to happen to- " " Why do you care ? "

His words made me immediately stopped speaking. " Do you ever care about me before ? Both of you ? " He said as he looked at me and my husband back and forth. I glanced at my husband only to see he is just looking ahead.

" Honey.. "

" Just stop, okay ? You don't know what Y/N means to me so hush. "

He said then looked out the window, keeping his handphone in the pocket of his hoodie. I bit my lips then sighed, moving away from him slowly before leaning against the seat. I'm not surprised.. It's our fault why he's so far from us.

Call me rude. Call me a disobedient son. I'm sure Y/N herself won't like this attitude of mine but I can't help it. The way she suddenly 'care' after all this while makes no sense. Yes, yes I appreciate it since she is my mother but.. It's just.. Complicated..

I sighed heavily then opened the door before stepping out of the car as soon as it stopped, indicating that we have arrived. I walked towards the door then stepped into the house, immediately walked upstairs.

I headed to my bedroom then plopped myself on the bed as soon as I stepped into it, not forgetting to lock the door. I closed my eyes, causing all of our memories to flashed back into my mind.

I already miss you..

I sat up then ran my hand through my hair. I took out my handphone then looked through the contact.

Baby Girl 💜

I smiled then started typing a short message to her.

-Call me once you arrive. Take care of yourself for me and for us. I love you so much ❤

I pressed the button 'Send' then turn off my phone and laid down on the bed, sighing.

You will be alright..

I will be alright..

We will be alright..

I hope..

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