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Who's Jay..?

It's all white..

Everything that is surrounding me is.. White..

But the person standing in front of me is too unbelievable to be real..

" You.. You fucking lied to me, Jimin ! You're a fucking playboy ! " She shouted in an obvious anger, making my eyes started to watery as I tried reaching for her hand but she snatched it away. I-Is this really real ?.. 'Cause if its a dream then please wake me up.


S-She hates me now..

" B-Baby girl, please- "

" Don't fucking call me baby ! "

She raised her voice then suddenly..

She slapped me.

" We are over, Jay. "

" W-What ?.. Baby, please.. "

With that, she slowly walked away and leave me..

" No.. No !!! "

" No ! " I immediately sat up, popping my eyes open as I panted heavily. I immediately turned my head to the side, finding her that is moving in her sleep as I'm sure she is distracted by my sudden outburst. I bit my plump lips in relief as I sighed, closing my eyes while running my shaky fingers through my hair.

I-It's.. It's just a dream..

More like a.. Nightmare..

" Chim ?.. " There she is. She slowly sat up, rubbing her sleepy eyes as she looked at me. I opened my eyes then stared at her face. I cannot bear losing you.. " Hey.. What's wrong.. Hmm ? " She softly whispered, cupping my cheeks with her delicate hands while leaning closer to my face, examining it.

It's dark but I can clearly see the concern expression of her's. I carved a small and weak smile, slowly nodding my head. " I-I'm okay.. " " Dreams ? " " Nightmare.. " She shot me her famous warm smile then climbed to my laps, wrapping her arms around my neck so I automatically wrapped mine around her waist, pulling her closer as I buried my face on the crook of her neck.

This is her famous way to comfort me after a bad dream. I usually able to cope with nightmares. Ghosts, clowns, faceless mankind.. Nightmares does not happen to me oftenly. So when it does, I manage to comfort myself by imagining her by my side..

But this kind of nightmare ?

I would rather die than face it.

" What is it, hmm ? Ghosts ? "

" No.. "

" Clowns ? "

" Nope.. "

" Faceless shits ? "

I chuckled.

" Nah.. "

" Then ? "

I remained silent, distracting myself from remembering the nightmare by applying soft butterfly kisses on her neck. But being the stubborn girl she is, she keep on asking me. I let out a sigh then closed my eyes. " You leaving me.. " I can sense her shock since she stopped playing with my hair.

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