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She moaned softly as I planted sweet kisses on her stomach after slightly lifting her shirt up. Her delicate hands gripped my hair gently, causing me to groan. My hands travelled up to her wrists then gripped it, pinning it to the bed. She arched her back as I blew on her skin, sending shivers down her spine.

I was about to unbutton her jeans when she pulled me up by grabbing my wrist, immediately made me leaned closer to her, with my forearms resting by her sides. " Don't.. Not yet.. " She whispered with her honey voice while her hands cupping my cheeks, leaning my forehead against her's.

" Then when.. " I pecked her forehead, her nose then lastly her lips. " When we reach eighteen.. Alright ? " She said then opened her eyes, staring deeply into mine with a sweet smile carved on her lips. I chuckled, rubbing my nose against her's that caused her to giggled.

" Then I'm just gonna kiss you 'till I'm satisfied. "

I rubbed my face with both of my hands in frustration before ruffling my hair roughly. I groaned heavily, resting my elbows on my knees as I spreaded my legs while sitting on the edge of the bed. I almost fucked up. Thank God I realised it.. I closed my eyes then laid myself on the bed, letting out a soft sigh.


He slowly opened his eyes then sat up, rubbing his sleepy eyes. He licked his plump lips before standing up from the bed and started doing his morning routine. A few minutes passed and he ended up wearing a black ripped jeans and black zip hoodie above a silver tank top. He put on his silver beanie then stepped out of the bedroom.

He trudged down the stairs then headed to the kitchen, finding his aunt that is already sitting on her chair, eating her breakfast while playing with her handphone. He walked to his chair then sat down on it, started eating his meal. " Is she your new girlfriend ? "

The middle-aged woman's words after a few minutes passed made him slowly looked up from his food to her. "..What..? " " The girl last night.. Is she your girlfriend ? If she is, I hope you won't hurt her like how you will do to Y/N. " She said without even looking at him.

He poked his inner cheek, started feeling annoyed. " What the hell are you trying to say ? " He asked, raising an eyebrow. She sighed then put her handphone down before turning her head to him. " Look.. Jimin.. I think you should.. Break up with Y/N. Why are you doing this anyway ? Why can't you just let her go when you already found someone else to replace her ? Don't hurt her, Jimin-ah.. "

Break up..

With Y/N..



He slammed his palm on the table, causing her to flinched a little bit. " What the fuck, mom ? Why you want me to break up with her ? You know how much I love her and I will never ever let her go ! "

" But that girl last night, Jimin ! Among all the girls you've brought home before, she's the only one that has ever come here more than five times ! You look like you are so in love with her ! I can hear your laughters ! You sound so happy with her ! So instead of keeping Y/N and cheating on her, just.. Just let her go. "

He clenched his jaw then slowly closed his eyes, trying to calm himself down. " Repeat.. Those words.. Again.. " He dared, clenching his fists. She pursed her lips then shook her head, closing her eyes in disappointment.

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