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" Thanks for the dinner, aunty. " Taehyung spoke, carving a smile as he stepped out of the mansion, followed by Jungkook. " As if I'm the one who cooked it. " They chuckled. " Thank you for coming. You guys can come here anytime, alright ? Take this invitation as a big big thank you for being Jimin's first buddies. "

Jimin smiled, glancing at her before looking at both of them. " It's not a big problem. We will make sure he enjoys every second of being in Seoul. " Jungkook spat out, giving a wink to the black. " Good to hear that, boys ! "

" We're off first, aunty. "

The older woman nodded with a smile before turning around and walked away from them. The three of them walked down the pathway, heading towards the dark green Porche Cayenne. " Fuck, she is so fucking kind. " " Look at the nephew. " The red smacked his arm, receiving a pout from him.

On the other hand, Taehyung just watched both of them being playful with each other while crossing his arms, leaning against his car with a smile carved on his lips. " I'm glad you're slowly being comfortable with us, Park. " Jimin rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, smiling.

" I-I'm glad too. "

" Anyway.. "

The blonde bit his lips before licking it, glancing at Jungkook before looking at the black. " Do you perhaps.. Wanna join us for window shopping ? " Jimin frowned slightly before scratching his head. " W-Window shopping..? " Taehyung nodded, wiggling his eyebrows.

" Come on, just come with us. " The red spoke, carving a small smirk. " But for what ? " He asked, raising an eyebrow. The last time he check, there's nothing that he needs to buy. Everything is completed. Clothes ? There are tons of 'em. " Just for fun ! It's called window shopping for a reason. "

" Unless you want to buy something. I can treat you. "

Taehyung spoke, causing the black to shifted his attention towards him. " N-No thanks, I have no problem with money but seriously, window shopping ? Isn't it girl stuff- " " No need to nag. This Saturday, we'll pick you up at 10 a.m. " The blonde cut off the middle of his sentence before shooting him a smirk then hopped into the vehicle, followed by the red.

Jimin blinked his eyes then looked at the car that is driving away then turned around and walked up the pathway to head to the mansion after it's out of his sight. Window shopping.. He chuckled, shaking his head slightly. Gotta tell Y/N about today.

Few Hours Later..

" Hi, handsome. " He chuckled as she spat out those words with her shining eyes. " Hi, beautiful. " She scrunched her nose cutely then tilted her head. " Wanna share anything ? " He leaned against the headboard, sighing softly.

" Well, today Taehyung and Jungkook came. They insisted me to bring them here. " He can see how her eyes lit up as he mentioned his new friends' names. " Really ? Wow~ You guys are getting closer~ Had a nice talk, hmm ? " He chuckled as she wiggled her eyebrows, smirking slightly.

" Kinda, baby. They told me about their stories and I told them about mine. Anyway, they offered me to come with them for 'window shopping' this weekend. " He said, pouting his lips afterwards. She pursed her lips, cupping her own cheeks as she rested her chin on her palms. " Window shopping ? That's nice. You should come with 'em ! " She said softly, shooting him a cute smile.

He scrunched his nose, shrugging his shoulders. " I.. Don't.. Know.. " " Just go, okay ? Spend time with them. Get to know them better, alright ? Plus I'm sure you have nothing to do this weekend, right ? " He let out a heavy breath then connected his eyes with her's.

It was all about silence when..

" Fine.. "

" Yeay !~ Have fun, my boyfriend ! "

Few Days Later..

I stepped out of the bedroom, wearing a black jeans and a dark green hoodie. I walked down the stairs and that's when I bumped into mom that was about to walk upstairs. " I was about to call you. " She said, referring to the boys that are definitely here already. 

Punctual, I like that.

I smiled at her then nodded, waving her goodbye before walked out of the house then headed towards the familiar car that is parked right in front of the opened gate. " Morning, new bro. " The blonde stepped out of the car, shooting me his infamous smirk. " Morning, Tae- I-I mean Taehyung ! Morning, Taehyung.. "

I said then scratched my head awkwardly, slowly looking down to my feet. I heard him chuckled before he stepped closer to me then tilted his head. " You can call me Tae. No worries. " I slowly looked up to him, meeting his eyes.

Oo.. Kay..?

" You can call me Kook, too. "

The red's words made me turned my head towards him, only to see he is looking at us from the inside of the car with the driver's window rolled down as he is sitting on the passenger seat. I shot him a small smile which he returned with his bunny one.

" Alright then. "

" Then let's go. "


" You gotta be kidding me. "

I spat out as we stood in front of the Yves Saint Laurent boutique. I've never been here before. Not because I don't have money to buy any of it's stuffs but.. The fact that this brand's design is totally different from my fashion makes me feel like running away and hide myself under a blanket as soon as possible.

I prefer hoodies from Shoppe and jeans from random stores.

" Why would I be ? Seriously, Jay. I can see that you fit this kind of style. "

Jay ?

" Wait.. Jay..? "

I asked, slowly turning my head towards the blonde. He carved a smirk which I can barely see then shrugged his shoulders. " My new nickname for ya. " Oh.. I formed an 'o' shape with my mouth then turned my head back to the boutique.

" Come on. You said you have no problem with money, right ? "

Jungkook spoke, nudging my shoulder. " I have no problem with that but this..? This is so not me.. " " Come on, each one of us need to have our favs. Mine is Gucci. " His words made me turned my head to Jungkook, waiting for his'. " I have no specific favs. " He said, scrunching his nose. " But black is a must. "

I pursed my lips then looked back to the boutique. Why Jimin.. Why is it so hard ? It's just clothes. Pick one and leave to satisfy them. If you don't want to wear it, then throw it away once you get back home.

" So ? "

I sighed heavily, closing my eyes.

" Fine. Let's go. "

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