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The silver was walking towards the cafeteria's main door with the others when suddenly.. " What the fuck ?! " Taehyung shouted in anger as Jimin fell to the floor after a punch was shot right on his left cheek. The other students immediately shifted their heads to the next scene as they heard the familiar voice.

Jungkook grabbed Aaron's arms then gripped it behind him while he's struggling to let himself go. " Fucking let me go ! Fight me, you bullshit ! " He yelled in anger, spitting on the floor as his eyes glared at the guy on the floor. " Shut the fuck up. " The blue spilled out, crossing his arms while standing next to the honey blonde in annoyance.

Jimin let out a soft sigh, touching the corner of his lips to make sure there's no blood coming out of it. He rolled his eyes then stood on his feet before stepping closer to the guy in Jungkook's arms. " What ? Hmm ? What do you want ? "

He said then threw a harder punch on his face before shooting another one on his stomach, causing him to coughed. " Who do you think you are, huh ? " The silver grabbed his head then knocked on his knee before signalling Jungkook to let him go, which he did that caused Aaron to fell on the floor while clutching his stomach.

" You think I don't know ? You like her, right ? "

He said then carved a smirk while scoffing before squatting, tilting his head as he looked down to the guy in pain. " Too bad.. " He whispered then licked his plump lips before getting up and walked away after added a sentence that made Aaron feels like killing himself..

" She loves me. "

Few Hours Later..

I closed my eyes, plopping myself on the bed after a tiring day. Tired to face some weird shits at school. I sat up the cracked my neck, biting my lips slightly. I looked up to the clock. 4:45 p.m. I rolled my eyes then stood up from the bed and reached for the towel.

Even Y/N is not home yet.


Time is running too slow..

Even slower than a snail.


I stepped into the house, closing the door afterwards. Ahh.. What a day.. I was about to walk up the stairs and head to my bedroom when suddenly.. " Princess ? " My ears perked up as I heard mama's soft voice calling for my name. " Yes, ma ? " I walked towards the source of the voice which is the living room.

She is sitting on one of the couches with papa that I thought won't be here. " Pa ? You're home early. " I said then sat down on the couch across them, placing my backpack next to me. Both of them exchanged glances with smiles carved on their lips, making me frowned in confusion.

What is happening..?

" Princess.. We have.. Something to tell you but before that.. " Mama started, crossing her legs before continued speaking. " Do you miss Korea ? " What kind of question is that ? " Of course I do ! I miss everything about it. " I said then giggled slightly as I remembered everything about Korea.

All the sweet childhood memories.

All the food.


I bit my lips as I slowly looked down to my fingers, carving a small smile. I miss him.. " Do you perhaps.. Wanna go home ? " I immediately looked up as I heard papa's words. What ?

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