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Jaden's pov

We were having breakfast with Jannie when I received a call from work.

"Excuse me, let me first take this call." I looked at her still glued to my place like I was waiting for her permission. She smiled at me and just nodded her head. I picked up my phone while moving outside.

"Hello, Mr Maxwell we have an emergency at the company and it would be great if you could come back immediately." It was my secretary and she sounded tense.

"Ok, I guess I will have to cut my honeymoon short. I will be there by tomorrow and inform everyone to remain come as they wait for me." I was not happy with going back but I had no choice. At least it had been five days though we had planned to spend a week.

I looked at Jannie and I knew I had to thank grandma for this trip, it had brought me close to her.

When she noticed that I was staring at her she followed me outside.

"Hey, why are just standing outside? Is there something wrong?" she sounded scared. I love how she genuinely cares about me. She walked towards me while we just stared at each other like there was a magnetic pull.

I pulled her into a hug, I loved the way she felt in my arms like she was meant to be there. Her scent was intoxicating. Everytime she was in my arms I felt like not letting her go. During these five days I spent with her, I started getting attached to her in a way that scared me. She was like the fresh breath of air I needed in along time.

"Your now scaring me what happened mmh?" Her voice was shaky. She tried to pull out of my embrace but I held her tightly.

"Just give me a few minutes, we going back home and it seems like am going to be very busy for sometime so let me hug you," I pleaded.  Maybe going back was a good thing, I was not understanding my actions anymore.

After sometime, I managed to let her go. We had to pack our things and go back to California, to reality.

While we were on our way, we stopped via a craft shop to buy some things to take back home. Jannie bought a bracelet and shoes for her friend. I also ended up buying a necklace for my mom.
Jannie's pov

As soon as we arrived home, I invited my friend Triyah over. She had texted me so many times telling how she will murder me if I didn't inform her when I arrived home. She can mean to be very dramatic sometimes but I love her non the less. We have been best friends since high school so we share everything about our lives. Most people from school would wonder how we became friends because she was an extrovert while I was an introvert.
"Wakey wakey, why are u sleeping so much. I have been trying to wake you up for hours. Did Jaden not allow you to sleep for the whole honeymoon? She was teasing me. She started laughing when she noticed how flustered I was.

"No way, you know we are not like that." I said while dressing up. She critically observed me. There is a way she would tell every time I was hiding something from her.

"Ok, you know I can tell so spill. What happened between you two?" She questioned me. I ended up telling her Everything that happened and by the time I was done she she was screaming. At times I felt like she did not grow up at all.

"I'm so happy for you, you managed to snatch every girl's dream man. Your going to make so many women very jelousy. I can't believe you're actually married and a real marriage in fact." She was so happy for me. 

"Enough with my marriage life, how is Louis?" I asked. I had taken time without seeing him. He is a photographer and Triyah is a model. They meant while making an advert and they just connected.

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