Chapter 11

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December 29, 1953

Mommy, Can we play outside in the snow, Charlie asked?

Jackie looked up from her book at her daughter.

Yeah, we can, Jackie said as she closes her book and sits it on the table.

Let's get dress and then we can go outside, Jackie said.

Jackie watches her daughter roll around in the snow.

Hey, Jack said.

Hi, Jackie said with a smile.

I see that Charlie is having fun in the snow, Jack said.

Yeah, It looks like she is loving it, me not so much, I'm freezing my butt off, Jackie said.

Jack grins.

I have been thinking a lot, Jack, Jackie said.

What have you been thinking about Jackie, Jack said?

I want to give Charlie a baby sister, She has nobody to play with, Dylan is still little Jack, We don't have to now but maybe in a year or two, Jackie said.

Yeah. We will see in a year or two, Jack said.

What if you do get pregnant again in a year, it's a boy again, Jack said.

We are going to keep on trying until I get pregnant with a girl, Jackie said.

So I can get you pregnant over and over again, just it has to be a girl, Jack said.

Yeah, Jackie said.

I'm going to have fun with this, Jack said.

I already know that you are going to enjoy this, Jackie said.

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