Chapter 13

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December 26, 1956

It's was the day after Christmas.


That must be Bobby and Ethel, Jackie said.

Why are they coming over, Jack asked?

They are going to babysit the kids, while We go out today, Jackie said.

Come in, Jackie said.

Hey, Bobby said.

The babies are asleep right now, they should be walking up soon, their food is the fridge, Jackie said.

Have fun you two, Bobby said.

Where are we going, Jack asked?

I will tell you.when we get on the road, Jackie said as she climbs in her SUV.

( Just Pretend that they had SUV back in the 50s)

Ok, .we are on the road Jackie, now tell me where we are going, Jack said.

We are going somewhere to eat, then the surprise for you, Jackie said.

The surprise for me, What is it, Jack asked?

I'm not telling you, Jackie said.

( Later that day )

Really .we are snowboarding, Jack said.

Yep, Jackie said as she put her goggles over her face.

I don't know about this Jackie, This looks dangerous, Jack said.

Just watch me .

Got that, Jackie said.

No, I don't have that, What was that Jack said.

That was the cloud 9, It took me years of practice to get it down, Jackie said.

You never told me, that you do snowboarding, Jack said.

I never told you.bc snowboarding is a dangerous sport and I shouldn't be doing it at all, the first time I try doing cloud 9. I almost die Jack, Jackie said.

Did your family know about this, Jack asked?

No, they don't, I never told them, Jackie said.

Jack looks at her.

I was scared, Jack, Jackie said.

My mother would have been disappointed in me, like how she is now, Jackie said.

Did you guys have fun, Bobby asked?

Yeah, We did, Jackie said.

The babies were angles, Ethel said.

Thank you for babysitting, Jack said.

No problem, Goodnight, Bobby said.

Night, Jackie said.

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