Chapter 15

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January 26, 1957

Jackie opens her eyes and looks around.

The sun shines threw the windows.

Jackie covered her mouth as she ran to the bathroom.

Ugh. I hate this, Jackie said as she wipes her mouth.

Shit. I'm a week late for my period, Jackie thought.

Jackie grabs a pregnancy test box from the cabinet.

She reads what it says on the box.

Ok. Now I have to wait five minutes, Jackie said.

Five minutes later.

Jackie turns the pregnancy test over.


I'm pregnant.

I can't believe that I'm pregnant again, I'm really hoping that this one is a going to be a girl this time, Jackie said as she lay her hand on the bump.

Now. I just need to tell my husband, Jackie said.

Jackie. Are you ready, bc I have to give a speech in Los Angeles, Jack said?

Yeah, I'm ready, Jackie said.

Jackie had Charlie hand in one and the other Dylan's hand.

Jack had Jensen's car seat in his hands.

The paparazzi was taking pictures as the Kennedy family walk onto the plane.

Jackie had buckled Charlie and Dylan up in their seats as the plane was about to go off.

Here you go, Jackie said as she hands her kids a thing of apples and juice.

Thank you, Mommy, Both Charlie and Dylan said.

Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy. We are landing soon, The Pilot said.

( Los Angeles)

Jackie was holding her kids hands as they walk off the plane.

Jack was behind her with Jensen's car seat in his hand.

The Paparazzi was going crazy taking pictures of the family.

Prophecy is a Jewish tradition – and the world Zionist movement in which you have played such a great role has continued this long tradition. It has turned the dreams of its leaders into acts of statesmanship. It has converted the hopes of the Jewish people into the concrete facts of life.

When the first Zionist convention met in 1897, Palestine was a wasted, neglected land. A few scattered Jewish colonies had settled there. But they had come there to die, not to live. Most of the governments of the world were indifferent.

But all this now has changed. Israel has become a triumphant reality, exactly 50 years after Theodore Herzl, the prophet of Zionism proclaimed its inevitability. It was the classic case of an ancient dream finding a young leader, for Herzl was only 37 years of age.


Perhaps I may be allowed that observation because the Jewish people ever since David slew Goliath have never considered youth as a barrier to leadership or measured maturity and experience by the length of days.

I spent two weeks in Palestine in 1939. There the neglect and ruin left by centuries of the Ottoman Empire were slowly being transformed under conditions of the utmost difficulty by labor and sacrifice. But Palestine was still a land of promise in 1939 rather than a land of fulfillment.

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