Chapter 12 : Kitten

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Amanda's POV

My head throbbed with pain as I slowly regained consciousness. As I looked around, I realized I was in a room that resembled mine, but something was off. The bed was larger, and there was a sofa set that didn't belong to me.

Memories flooded back, reminding me of the horrifying truth. Hunter, the person I had developed feelings for, was revealed to be a dangerous psychopath. The realization sent a shiver down my spine.

I quickly got up from the bed, my heart pounding in my chest. I tried the doorknob, but it was locked. Panic surged through me, and I began pounding on the door, screaming for help.

"Open this door! You can't keep me here!" I shouted, my voice filled with desperation.

No one responded to my pleas. Anger and fear intertwined within me as I hammered on the door, determined to make my presence known.

"Hunter, you fucking asshole, open this door!" I yelled, my frustration boiling over.

The door suddenly swung open, almost knocking me off balance. Hunter stood before me, his presence both infuriating and unsettling.

"What are you doing, Amanda? You'll hurt your hands. Don't your hands hurt?" Hunter asked, his voice filled with concern.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I don't want to be here. I want to go home!" I retorted, my voice laced with anger and fear.

"But you are home, my love," he replied, attempting to touch me, but I instinctively moved away.

"This isn't my fucking home!" I screamed.

"My little vixen, I can't let you go home right now. I personally decorated your room. Don't you like it? I tried to make it look like your bedroom back at your apartment," he said.

I was taken aback by his endearing words. Did he just call me vixen? Did he think I resembled a fox?

"I don't fucking care! I want to leave now!" I roared, my voice filled with defiance.

He raised his hand, causing me to flinch, anticipating a blow. Instead, I stumbled backward and fell to the floor.

"I didn't mean to frighten you. I just wanted to inspect your hands. They look swollen," he reassured me.

He knelt down and gently took hold of my hands. I braced myself, unsure of his intentions.

"I'll get an ice pack for you. Your palms are swelling," he noted, his touch surprisingly gentle.

He pressed a gentle kiss on each hand and caressed them tenderly. It was a stark contrast to the horrifying reality we were in, making it even more difficult to accept the truth.

"Hunter, please don't do this to me. What do you want from me? My parents aren't wealthy enough to be blackmailed," I pleaded, my voice quivering with desperation.

"My love, I'm not doing this for money. I have enough of that. What I want is you, Amanda," he declared, his tone filled with possessiveness.

"Hunter, you can't keep me locked up like this," I said, my words coming out slowly, an attempt to reason with him.

"Of course, I won't. I would never treat my queen in such a way, but for a few days, just a few days Amanda I have to keep you here." he assured me.

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