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"All right, that's it. Kaminari announced suddenly. "Izuku. Be a doll and c'mere please." His smile was so sickeningly sweet that it almost made Midoriya throw up.

But Kaminari wouldn't hurt him.

The greenette nodded and moved to follow the electric blond.
"Doll, you do know that this is your fault, right?" Kaminari smirked as he let Izuku sink onto him by a few centimeters. He watched as the green eyes he'd grown to adore, cross and roll into the back of his head. Drool poured out of his mouth as lewd noises filled the room.

Midoriya nodded with difficulty. He was used to getting pleasure, but never this much. Kaminari smirked once more and thrusted roughly into the smaller teen.

He leans in to capture the agape, plump pink lips with his own. Then he got to work.
Midoriya got up sleepily, limping over to his lover and resting his head against the electric blond's bare shoulder. Wrapping his arms around his torso. Kaminari smiled softly. "Sorry dollface." He whispered. Midoriya hummed.

"Mm. Love you." He mumbled. "Love you too." The taller smiles once more, taking Midoriya's lips with his, initiating a sweet kiss.

The pair are found later, cuddling.

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