🦋•I love you•🦋

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  Requested by Rodikoda
  The pair tried to recall how they'd gotten here. They'd just been on a sweet cafe date, talking causally, when the sound of screaming sounded.

They'd rushed to see what happened and now, they were in a middle of a fight.

The villain called herself: Anti-Eraser. His quirk apparently allowed him to cause other's quirk to disfunction as long as he came in contact with them.

Somehow, he'd touched Midoriya while he had his back turned. The greenette didn't think too much about it at the time, until his quirk wouldn't start.

He tried to start it desperately. He couldn't leave Kouda alone! Midoriya didn't notice the tall villain walking toward him in midst of his panic.

"Izuku!" Kouda shouted, breaking free of the bindings he'd previously been caught in. "Kou, I'm sorry! He got me!" Midoriya cried just as a knife tore through his clothes.

Kouda's world stopped. Midoriya was now clutching his chest, glaring at the villain. The boy coughed up blood, spitting it out onto the concrete ground below him.

Suddenly, Kouda felt a burning sensation in his body. He screamed as he clutched his arm. Midoriya limped towards him.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked. Another knife was thrown towards them but the greenie caught it, wincing as it sliced his hand.

Kouda looked at his arms that had since stopped burning. Instead of the rocky texture it usually was, it was now orange and striped.

"Woah." He gasped. Then it hit him. A quirk enhancement! From what though?

Kouda shook his head, this wasn't the time for this. He took at deep breath. Then he attacked.

They both got out alive. Izuku's quirk was functioning again and Kouda had his new quirk enhancement.

"Kou. . ." Midoriya called, his voice faint.

"'Zuku- are you alright- of course you're not alright- you got stabbed!" He gasps out.

A light giggle pulls him back into reality. "I'm. . . fine. Promise." Midoriya rested his hand on the animal-magnet's shoulder.

Together they limped back home together.

"Hey. I love you." Midoriya said suddenly.

Kouda looked up. "I love you too?" It came out more as a question.

The greenie smiled. "Why the sudden confession? Is something wrong?" He asked.

The latter shook his head. "Just reminding you."

Kouda smiled.

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