Prologue - The Mysterious Meteorite

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1,000 years ago, there was a meteorite that crashed into the cold vast valley of Artica on the North Pole

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1,000 years ago, there was a meteorite that crashed into the cold vast valley of Artica on the North Pole. It wasn't your typical meteorite, either. As it crashed, it emits a white aura which in turn extends to the rest of the planet Espier. This mysterious energy begin to affect the people and animals around the world, giving some of them strange powers, sentience, and monstrous appearances, while others experienced no changes. Side effects did not occur until the latter half of the 20th century, where the people suffers to this day from IQ draining, making those a bit intellectually inept.

Throughout the eras and even to the present day, the energy from the meteorite is used as a power source to create advanced technology that promises prosperity and peace to the world, though there are nations that will fight to solely own that energy, causing trouble for everyone.

The other nations are the least of everyone's worries as very recently, a mysterious enemy that emerged from the deep in the Balenian jungle who wishes to bring the whole planet to its knees. This mysterious enemy is known as Temnaya, the Dark Queen of the Jungle.

Those blessed with special abilities from the meteorite challenge Temnaya to a duel, but ultimately failed. The Dark Queen Temnaya possesses immense power and strength which rivals that of gods from mythologies. No one stood a chance against her.

However, there are still those who will not back down from Temnaya's might, no matter how powerful she is. Enter the Magical Girls, a group of young women who swore by the oath of the St. Brigid Magical School for Girls to fight evil. They get their powers from the meteorite's energy and they will die trying to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

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