Chapter 1 - Starlette's Debut

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Deblin, the metropolitan city of the country, Ban is currently being under attack by Temnaya's forces. There are many buildings and monuments that are being destroyed by fire caused by Temnaya's forces. They consists of cyborgs and other large machines destroying property and vehicles. The armed forces of Ban who are all dressed in black riot gear are trying to hold back the machine threat with heavy automatic plasma weapons, but even that does not work on the machines.

"Damn, these guys aren't going down!" said the soldier, shooting at the cyborgs.

"I thought these plasma weapons work well against cybernetic enemies!" a female soldier complains.

"No time worry about that! Look!" the third soldier shouts out. The third soldier points at the sky. There is smoke rising the ground, but they all can see a pink airship with fairy wings attach at each side. It wings flutters as it lands in the middle of the ruined street.

Inside the fairy-like airship, there are women, girls, and even animals dressed in various costumes and make-up. These are indeed the Magical Girls from St. Brigid who have come to help out in the fight against Temnaya's mechanical forces. The ladies aren't exactly thrilled to be here, since this is their first mission. Not too long ago, these young women just graduated from St. Brigid School for Magical Girls.

They were planning on celebrating the whole day, partying and having fun

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They were planning on celebrating the whole day, partying and having fun. But now, they have to participate in a battle that might not come back from. Among the Magical Girls, there a silver eyed dark-skinned woman with platinum black and blue highlights who looks to be nineteen years old. She has golden star hairpins on each side of her head, and white beaded earrings. The young lady's attire consist of the colors: blue, indigo, black, and gold. There is a golden star crest above her bosom with a cutout exposing her cleavage. Her dress also has silky see-through sleeves with light green beads tied around them, a white cape, and white and gold boots. Perhaps the most interesting feature on her face besides her blue lipstick, is the three star marks below her left eye.

It certainly made her stand out from the other Magical Girls. That and her eagerness to get into the fight. The young woman's real name is Anita Starchaser, but she is currently going with the name of her alter ego, Starlette. With the blue star rod in her hands, Starlette is ready to send the cybernetic forces packing!

'Okay, Anita, you've been training your whole life for this moment!' Starlette speaks in her mind. 'All I have to do is not chicken out and show this Temnaya who's boss!"

In front of the Magical Girls is a pink-haired woman with long pigtails dressed in a black and violet female sailor attire. She is their leader on this mission. Once the airship's door has open, their leader commands all of the Magical Girls to rush out there and attack the enemy forces.

"Now this is our chance to shine!" Starlette exclaims happily.

The Magical Girls attacks the machines that are wreaking havoc with their magic. The girls are able to bring down the cyborgs with ease, adding much to their confidence.

"We can do this!" a blond woman with make-up and white dress smiles.

"Let keep the machines from hurting any more people!" the leader of the Magical Girls unit commanded.

"Yes ma'am!" the Magical Girls all said.

While a few of the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ban appreciates the help from the Magical Girls, most of the soldiers are embarrassed by the thought of being rescued by women dressed in strange outfits. So much so, that the soldiers fear returning back to their base with the commanding officers laughing at them.


Starlette and a few other Magical Girls approach a burning building with people trapped inside. Parked near the building is a fire truck with firemen trying their hardest to put out the flames with the fire hose.

"We have to get those people out of the building!" said Starlette, rushing into the entrance.

"Starlette, wait!" a Magical Girl with red hair exclaimed.

"That is so Starlette..." another grimaced. "Let's follow her and makes sure that she is not doing anything reckless."

"Right!" the girls all said in unison. They follow Starlette into the burning building.

Starlette runs down the hallway, searching for a way upstairs. The fire destroyed most of the interior of the building and the smoke makes it hard to see. She waves her wand to disperse the smoke with its magic. She can now see the path forward to the stairs.

After running up the stairs, Starlette can hear noises in one of the rooms on the left side of the second floor hallway. "Hello! Is there anyone there?" Starlette calls out.

"In here!!!" a boy screams out loud. The voice came from Room 207.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" said Starlette.

Starlette tries to open the door by grabbing the knob, but the doorknob is very hot, due to the extreme heat inside the room. "Owww!" she wince in pain, quickly pulling back her hand. "That was dumb!" Before she uses her star wand, Starlette warns the boy to stand back. She put forth the wand and use her magic to blast down the door. Lots of smoke emerge from the room.

"Hey, kid!" Starlette calls out to him.

As the boy runs out the room, she notice the boy has blond hair and wearing pajamas, but they were dirtied by the smoke. "Are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?"

"No..." said the boy.

"That's good!" said Starlette in relief. "I'm gonna need you to wrap yourself around my cape. Don't worry, I will carry you."

"Okay, miss," said the boy. The little boy grabs Starlette's long cape and wraps himself around it. Starlette picks the boy up and carries him through the smoke and flames.


The other Magical Girls have evacuated the people from the burning building. Starlette and the boy are the last ones to come out. Though the heavy smoke has dirtied Starlette's attire, she is happy that the child is okay.

Then, they heard a woman's voice shouted hysterically from the left of them. She has the same hair color as the boy. Starlette then realizes that she is the boy's mother. The mother runs to the boy and hugs him, "I was so worried for you!"

"Me too, Mommy!" said the boy, hugging back.

Starlette is happy to see the family reunited, but the mission is far from done. Once they are finished saving the people from the burning apartment, the Magical Girls quickly hurry along to the center of the city.

"Time for me to go," Starlette said to herself, following the other Magical Girls.

Starlette smirks while running to catch up with the Magical Girl Squad. Since she has managed to save a child from the burning apartment, Starlette begins to have a good feeling about her mission being a success.

However, that way of thinking will be her undoing....

However, that way of thinking will be her undoing

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