Act IX

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After he was done he went to sleep with you in his arms cuddled up to him. Careful to put a trash can on the side of the bedyou were on. Your face would always grace his dreams wither it be memories, a nightmare of you already dead and him at your grave, you dying, or an older you with a wet dream it would always be you. He can say this time he will wake up to the real you in his bed. Your smell, minus the weed and alchol, would be on his pillows in his sheets. This night he went to sleep with a rare smile on his face.


3rd POV

"(Y/N) wake up. Fuck it I'm going to pour water on you if you don't wakeup." Y/N jumped up from the bed that she was laying in. She looked over to the side of the room noticing this room wasn't hers. When she noticed that she was no longer male she quickly shaped into one, feeling uncomptable as a woman regardless of being born one.
"You touch me with that and I will end your life, ok burned chicken nugget we clear?" (Y/N) finishes with a smile honestly trying to hold the laughter in. They couldn't help it Dabi knew that it was an empty threat and so did Y/N.
"Whatever we have a meeting and boss wants to put you to use so hurry up, ok little mouse~." Y/N's eyes popped out of the eye socket the way he just says little mouse it just rolled off the tongue like it was most normal thing ever. With that he took his leave and just walked out leaving a confused and blushing Y/N.
No, no, no, this is not happening. Wait wasn't he with my lame excuse for a brother the other night. Going to sibling to sibling real smooth this is not a game you can win. Hold on, I'm with Shig nevermind what am I to him anyway. Ugh fuck life. Y/N ran through the thoughts that went through the (h/c)ette. with brush in hand and a hair-tie on wrist.
"You rang boss" (Y/N) yelled across the room gaining the attention of a dark brown haired man, gold eyes. and a plague mask on his face.

I walked over to a non taken seat on the couch left side of Shig and Dabi on his right kinda funny huh.
"Who is this huh but another man really there to many don't you think, Shigaraki." The brown haired man looks you up and down, I'm pretty sure if he wasn't wearing a mask that he would be smirking. "Back to business I have things to get back to."
"Have you parents never taught you to introduce your self in a business meeting it's unprofessional." I smirk knowing that I won this round, I don't like this guy. One, I don't trust a man who has grey on him. Two, I don't like the vibe he gives.
"Overhaul, nice to meet you..." He pauses my name. Ummm, I don't have a alias yet well umm.
"Yin, you can call me Yin" I stand and walk over to Overhaul and grab his collar and drag him down so I can whisper in his ear. "anyway I don't like you nor do I trust you. Your deciving us aren't you. Don't worry I'll keep it a secret." Overhaul clicks his tongue, turns his head looking at boss and Dabi. As he sat down in the chair across from Tomura he mumbled something about faggots.

Tomura POV
"Yin, you can call me Yin" Oh how time flys two days and they grew into a very good villain. Not to mention good looking. The shirt that their wearing is mine and a pair of booty shorts. Ass hanging out you can see the bottom of the ass cheek and damn does it look good.

She pulls Overhaul down doing who fucking knows what to his ear. I feel jealously clouding my judgement. There better be a good reason for that or else N/N won't like it.

Y/N walks over to kuri and he disappear into sight. My anger still fresh on my face. This masked bitch doesn't help when he mumbles 'fucking fagots'. I don't think you can say that when your staring at his ass fucking hypocrite. "When can those bullets be ready." I just want to conclude this 'business' I have to much to do and so little time. Not to mention a toy to punish for that little stunt. 
"Hopefully soon however, I need you to give me something in return. You see I have a problem. I don't have enough man power so give me two of your people to help and I'll get you what I promised." My hand finds my neck and starts to scratch I feel a little blood trickling down my neck.
"THAT WASN'T THE DEAL ASSHOLE!" Dabi takes his fist and slams it on the table interrupting the yelling that I was going to give this sorry excuse for a man. The anger in Dabi's face is very clear to see.

"We did what you asked and some of us even got injured. You can't ask for two things when we only get one." That burned bastard is right for once. I need to not kill this guy I need that shit.

"This meeting is over have fun. Twice Toga show these people out." After no argument from either of them they show Overhaul to the exit.
Y/N comes out of the shadows and starts to talk. I really don't want to hear what is going to come out of their mouth. Within a split second I have a four fingers around his neck. This time there is no passion or lust in my eyes just anger.
"Was there a reason for doing that if you turn on us I won't ever tell you who killed your mom." Y/N's e/c eyes widen and tears rise. They take their own hand and put on mine. "You have one minute if I don't like your answer I will kill you." Y/N drops to the ground and catches his breathe before he answers.
"Gr....Grey" That was the word I wanted to hear. A smile finds it's way on my face. I set 'Father' on the coffee table.

3rd POV
After Y/N said grey Dabi tensed. The rest of the team knew your quirk but didn't know what the colors mean. Toga, Twice, and Stain all looked at each other giving each other the 'what-the-hell' look.
After Shigs little show of power Dabi got mad and grabbed the grasping for air Y/N and took him to his room. Shig was confused the only thing going into his mind is 'What the hell did I just do.' He knew that Dabi liked you it didn't take a tactician like himself to figure it out hell even Toga could realize it.
When you and Dabi got to his room he put you on his bed. "Look I know you have boss but" You gave Dabi a confused look and you really didn't know what he was getting to. "nevermind get some sleep. It's gonna leave a really bad bruise." Dabi was wondering what he could do to make you like him, while he was thinking like that (Y/N) fell asleep.

Dabi walked to Shig's room knocked on the door with a mission. He was going to find out what that was all about even though he had a pretty good guess. 


After this chapter the writing style to a more xreader not xoc.

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