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"Well then I expect both of you at the party waiting for me and be good or else~." Walking to Kuri telling him what Tomura told you to and leaving to your first day of he... I mean school. "Goddamn it I deserve a grammy with all this acting. Time to play 'hero' god I feel like I'm four."

Back at the hide out a burned chicken nugget and scratch-alot were having a very intense argument.


Your POV

When I walk to the doors I see a familiar peice of broccoli. "Yo Izu, did you get into class 1-A too?" The funniest thing is I don't remember him ever having a quirk. This is the hero course right. How could... wait a minute was he really a late bloomer or something welp Imma have to ask him later. I can hear a certain loud mouth, egotistical, dick wad. "Great can this day get any worse."

Izu looks at me as agreement "I mean it could but hopefully it doesn't right." You know his nervous laugh is cute but in like an innocent way it makes you wanna protect the piece of broccoli. We finish walking in to see a blue haired guy with glasses bitching at bakahoe. "Oi bakahoe shut the fuck up I don't want a headache." I love how I say this but I will probably have a major one. Then I have a party ugh fuck my life.

When we walk in everyone just stares at Izu like he has something growing on his shoulder. "Hi!" He looks away from bakahoe and to be honest I would too if I were him poor guy.

The guy with the glasses comes over with a robot walk, like can you please walk properly is that too much to ask. "My name is Tenya Iida"

"Yeah I know my name is Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you."

"Y/N Takiami" I really don't wanna mess with guy. So I walk over to where bakahoe is sitting cause why not. "Sup bakahoe."

His hands start smoking meaning he is getting really fucking mad and I don't wanna headache. "You came in with that little bastard so you sleeping with him too" He gets up and puts a finger on one of the many marks Tomura gave me. "or did casper give you those."

Here I am growing annoyed I knew it was a bad idea to talk to this loud ass wipe. "I seen him in the hallway for your information not that its any of your business and no he didn't give me my hickies I don't think he's capable of such an act of pleasure. I peg him more of a bottom." I knew damn well right then and there he was jealous. I don't know if its because I seen Izuku first and he didn't or the fact that I have hickies littering my neck and he has none.

"If your just here to make freinds you can leave now. Welcome to UA's hero course." 'Is that a fucking caterpillar talking. Ok Y/N you didn't smoke any weed so umm'

"Oi! stop muttering!" Can I kill him now like please Jashin let me kill this dickhead?

"It took you all eight seconds to be quite. Smart students would have known how important eight seconds can be." He looks so fucking dead. What kinda hell did somebody put this poor man through. I can't help but think this man stayed up all night doing soommee things. "My name is Shota Aizawa I'm your teacher. Alright put these things on then head outside." Did he just pull tewnty gym suits out of a sleeping bag?

The League of Villian's Savior (Shigaraki x Reader x Dabi) fanficWhere stories live. Discover now