Introverts are always the good ones 5/10/20

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Introverts are always the good ones
For they are extremely unexpressive,
Those hidden emotions they keep,
Makes them resistant from slipping

Introverts are the ones who excel
For they do not force a person to stay,
They only knew themselves and their future,
They behold an honest and an invincible heart

Introverts will surely win in any fight
For their mindsets are hollow, leading to a staircase,
A staircase of faith connecting to the heavens,
They know deep sadness but never knew heartbreak

Introverts regularly overpasses us
For we knew love but they knew reality and future,
We extroverts exchange our minds over our hearts
And that, is a true foolish mistake meant to be regretted

Oh introverts, how I wished to be like you
For me to never regret my past and think of my future,
We extroverts only believe in fantasies and never the reality
That introverts are always the good ones... but we all are.

...introverts don't speak, everyone is comfortable hanging out with them...

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