Family in the Pandemic 5/22/20

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Mom, Dad, where are you?
We are starving, we need you,
Why do you think your actions are right?
Money isn't going to feed or raise us right?

Dad, we have no neighbors,
They are heartless, unkind and worthy to be abhored,
Dad, please return if you want us to live,
Do not exchange us for money, please don't leave

Mom, you are not blamed,
Your arms were always there to lend
But this screwed up pandemic took you,
Now you're gone, we lost ourselves as we lost you

We have eaten dirt these past days,
They see us but they won't help unless they're paid,
It must be your reason to work outside, right Dad?
Because when the pandemic started, you already hid

Come on my sisters,
Let us sleep in hunger and in fear,
They won't come back for us, do not cry
For you both had enough, please rest and you'll learn how to fly.

...a story of a child in the pandemic who lost both parents, he cherished his beautiful past one last time before they flew with his sisters...

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