April 6/3/20

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When I was still sweetening my life at March,
I never knew I already bittered up someone's beloved,
As I see you smile and hand me something to drink,
I saw an eclipse above your head and denied it a million times

March, April, May, June, July,
I never did thought of your overflowing hospitality,
August, September, October, November,
Neither did you intended to make a move

I realized I was time traveling back to April,
Just to witness something I never saw,
It was never my fame nor my past face
But under the eclipse, it was just my happiness

And there I was in December,
Something bizarre just came into my arrogant eyes
But I never wondered how it never contained a sky,
Yes, I realized I was denying, I was denying at the first place

I was denying that my happiness was staying somewhere in April,
There I desired a treat but someone treated me very bad,
I was denying that someone under my standards was my someone,
My guilt is drowning me for a memorable April was just thrown away

Now I am here and began to stop what I started to began,
I never denied you again, please give me another chance,
Didn't we wanted to go back to April? Didn't you wanted me?
I am deeply sorry, it took me thinking until January

All this time and tomorrow, April has gotten into me
For it beholds my memories, my childhood, my happiness,
April did not belong to the eclipse but to my heart
For you were there, you were the brightest piece of April.

...the cherished moment of the past, April is the only moment you kept me and fought for me...

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