My Sassy Phone

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Have you ever sassed someone? Chances are very high that you have.

I, for one, have never done such a thing~

Well, what about the time when you told-

*nervous laughter* Oh, well. Uh... uhm... I-I mean I've never done such a thing unless somebody ABSOLUTELY needed it... hehehe

Anyways, it seems that my mobile phone is becoming much more rebellious than I ever was.

That's not surprising, seeing that you are about as rebellious as a frightened sheep.

Hey, we don't talk about that!



Now, there's a nice little chapter in our chemistry syllabus called "D and F Block".

(I can practically see inlovewsleep - who has had to study the same syllabus as me - shaking her head incredulously at the word "little")

Really though, it was quite an interesting chapter. And I had the chapter saved in my phone in pdf format.

Are we going to talk about how you lost your textbook?

Clearly, my conscience hates me. Shut up, Conscience!

The three little kittens - they lost their mittens~ 🎵🎶

Well, whatever.

Anyways, where was I?


Gee, thanks. Although, I am not sure if I meant it that way...

Anyways, so, I had the chapter saved in pdf format in my phone. And I had religiously titled it as "D and F Block". However, it seems that my phone wanted to sass its owner because this is what I saw when I opened the file manager on my phone:

 However, it seems that my phone wanted to sass its owner because this is what I saw when I opened the file manager on my phone:

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Is it visible? Let me zoom in, if not:

I personally have never sworn in my entire life

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I personally have never sworn in my entire life. Yeah, you heard that right. I am a teenager who doesn't swear.

Although Wattpad has been giving rise to certain unholy tendencies in me... But I swear, I really don't swear.

Oh, wait... 0.0

Did I say something weird?

Anyways, got anything to say about me not swearing, Conscience?


HA! I got you there!


W-Well, getting back to what I was saying, my phone's getting a hell lot rebellious than me!


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