●Whee, This is Tag #3!

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Whoa this is my third tag in this week - I must be getting really popular.

All thanks to Jenga101 for tagging me (and for making me feel loved lol).
Once again, I say - do have a look at her books, they are awesome!

Here's the tag:

Here's the tag:

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1. Outer space.

Sharks may get me in deep sea. In outer space, even though there's a possibility that I may be consumed by an unknown being but at least I'll get bragging rights in hell about dying by being eaten by an alien and not some run-of-the-mill shark.

I'm assuming that I'll either be given plenty of oxygen or some superpower that will make me able to live without breathing just because.

2. The Beach Boys who?
The Beatles who?

Lol, just kidding. I have heard of them but I don't know any of their songs. Sorry, I am hopeless in such things.

3. I don't know anything about Middle Earth. However, I'd happily agree to go to Hogwarts. I had once even written a fanfiction about how I got admitted to Hogwarts and then became a member of The Golden Trio, and it became The Golden Quadruple once I joined.

Now, that notebook has been given for recycling and I have the fanfiction safely stored in a secret compartment in my brain.

4. They are both. After all, all the scary things are thrilling. Otherwise why would people love horror shows?
So I find thunderstorms both: scary and thrilling.

5. In India, especially where I live, there's no such demarcation. We have summer, rain and winter.
Among these three, I choose rain - or as we call it, the Monsoons.

6. Salty. I start feeling sick if I eat too many sweets.

7. Running, there's no doubt in that. I love to run. However, my body completely lacks the elastic properties needed for yoga.

Still, I do a little bit of yoga everyday, and maybe my body will adapt . . . Someday.

8. Tea. I don't like coffee.
To be honest, I don't drink tea either, but if I had to choose amongst them, then it will surely be tea.

9. Both! They both are so cute and I love both of them. In fact, if there would have been another option called hamster, I might have chosen that as well.

10. I choose night, that's the calmest part of the entire day. There's no noise and not to mention the fact that I get to sleep at night and I am in love with sleep! (Sorry Adi XD)

11. I haven't tried either so I can't judge. I'm sorry :/

12. Well, I love rain. But over here you can't get to experience snow. I've been to a theme park where they had artificially created an Arctic environment and I really liked it too.
However, I would like to experience snow in its natural habitat as well.

13. I haven't been in a plane yet >.<
And I really want to fly in a plane. So I choose plane without any hesitation.

14. Surfing sounds fun! Just imagine having all those waves under your feet and the wind whipping through your hair as you surf majestically . . .
Whoops, I allowed my imagination to run away and now I can see myself drowning.

Still, I'll try surfing if I get the chance :p

15. Well . . . I'll go anywhere as long as I get to travel. Still, I've visited quite a few beaches and not enough mountains, so I suppose I choose mountains.

16. Cook a meal. My mom will surely shoo me out of the kitchen because I am one of those people who can burn down my house by adding water.

This way I'll have to do none of them. Cool!

17. I've never eaten either of them. I'm a vegetarian, you see.

However, if there was an option between pizza and burger, then I'd surely choose . . . Both of them!
Lol, I can't discriminate between two such gems of food.

18. I haven't seen Seinfield (I just learnt that a show with that name exists lol) but I have watched a few episodes of Friends and found it really hilarious!

19. This time it's for real:

Steve Urkel who?
Kimmy Gibler who?

Lord, I really need to up my knowledge.

20. Both! They both are amazing flavours and you seriously can't expect me to choose between them.

However, I prefer blueberry over both of them ^.^

21. Water. I sincerely dislike milk and beg my mom every night to spare me.

Just for your information, that rarely happens :(

However, milk is like a necessary enemy as it is a really important component of ice creams and cakes so I don't really know :/

22. Lol, I need both. I start to haunt the kitchen like a lost ghost if I don't eat anything for two hours.

God knows how I am still frighteningly skinny. Ah, one of the many mysteries of nature.

23. Comedy. I am rarely serious so I'll probably find drama a kind of comedy too. Many people might not like it and then it might not end up nicely for me.

Comedy suits my mood most of the time. I prefer to laugh over cry :)

24. Hot. I can't handle cold very well >.<

25. I'm not an American so 4th of July has no real significance for me except for coming in my history test and making me cry.

Halloween sounds fun. I mean, we don't celebrate it here but it seems an awful fun to be able to dress however you like.

However, as far as fashion disasters go, I seem to celebrate Halloween everyday >.<

So, that was the tag. Now, this is one tag where I might have enough friends lol.
So here they go:






That was fun! Do tag me again if you ever get to, I enjoy doing them!

No, I'm not at all desperate . . . What makes you think that?

Well then,

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