● Well, Well

76 13 96


I'm back with another tag! This time I've been tagged by FANGIRLFORMIRACULOUS.
Thanks! :D

Without any further ado, I present the tag:

Without any further ado, I present the tag:

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1. Currently I'm 18 years old and I'll be turning 19 a few months later.

Just so that there's no confusion later on and I'm not mistaken as a forever young person, I'd like to mention that this tag was done in November 2020 hehehe.

2. Ugh, I hate these specific questions. Besides if I started to mention the movies of my country, very few people will know what's going on. Moreover, I'm too indecisive to pick ONE movie out of all of the ones I've watched.

If it interests you, the most recent movie I've watched is Tinkerbell along with my younger sister. I wasn't able to watch even half of it because I should have been studying. Ugh!

3. I like Science and Maths.

Oh, I had to pick only one?

Science and Maths.

Honestly, does it look like I care?

4. I've mentioned it once already but I'll do it again. I live under a rock and I literally don't know who most of the celebrities are. I didn't even know who Chris Hemsworth is.

Does it seem likely that I might get a crush when I don't even know them?

5. I'm 5 feet 6 inches tall. I wonder how many Cheetos that is. Thanks very much Griffin.

6. My choice might be pretty unpopular and I've heard much ridicule for this particular choice of mine but I prefer Samsung Galaxy over iPhone.

7. I don't know many of them. And if I do, be assured that I haven't heard of their songs. However, here are a few that I somehow know because my classmates decided I was too ignorant and made me hear their songs:

Taylor Swift, The Chainsmokers, Madonna, Neha Kakkar and Arijit Singh.

That's pretty much it

8. Oh yeah. I've two younger sisters. They both are the most annoying, grouchiest sweethearts I've ever seen :DD

9. Seriously, I'm rolling my eyes. This question comes in every other tag.

Since the past few months I've only listened to the songs which increase concentration and some nursery rhymes because of my littlest sister. If anyone wants help in making a playlist from these two categories, I'll gladly help them.

But till then, please spare me.

10. I don't drink either. But if I am compelled to choose, tea would be a better option than coffee.

11. I've two younger sisters and tons of soft toys . . .

What? They don't count?

Aw. . . >:'(

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