●Hi, Hi, Hey!

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I've been tagged by overduelibrarybook89 and GriffinQ to do this tag. Thanks dudette and dude! :D

Let's do this:

Let's do this:

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1. Well, when Overdue tagged me, I was surprised and kind of happy. Basically, I was like "Yay, a tag!"

When Griffin tagged me, I was surprised and happy again. But, I also sweat dropped because I already had three tags in waiting (I didn't know it was the same tag) and I was nowhere near to finishing any of them. So, I was happy but felt like crying at the same time.

2. My bed. No place on the world can compare to it XD

3. I love my entire family and all my friends.

On WP, I have many friends, but among them, I love Jenga101, inlovewsleep, Ella_es_Reina, jeavanna and, though I am new to it, the members of Wattband the most.

I don't hate anyone yet, so if I've ever talked to you, there's a high chance that I like you :)

4. This is a very difficult question. But living forever would be worse because I'd have to watch my family and friends die. Besides, it's not mentioned whether age would catch up with me and I'll have to live as a stooped old lady for the rest of my life or not.

So, I suppose I'll choose to die tomorrow. Atleast I know what's happening and I'll be able to complete my last minute works. Moreover, I WON'T HAVE TO GIVE THIS STUPID JEE THAT WAY HAHAHAHAHA.

5. My aura? I don't know.
Probably some neon or rainbow shades or some weird colour that I don't even know about.

6. I'm not easily annoyed. But I'd say I'm annoyed the most by people who know that they are doing better than you and yet they cry out their stupidly small struggles on your shoulder, sometimes just to show how sad and depressed they are when in reality it's nothing like that.

As you can see from this rant, that annoys the absolute hell out of me.

No, sweetheart I'm not at all concerned about the one non-existent pimple on your face when they are literally having an entire party on mine.

7. Dead silent. I almost get that everyday because I go to classes to study and no one else comes. So I get blissful silence for about 7 hours each day.

8. I recently took the test on the internet and found that my personality type is INFP-T

And looks wise, I come under the type "Potato".

You're welcome ;)

9. I . . . I don't know.

I mean all the characters are the masterpieces of different writers and there are several of them that occupy a very special place in my heart. Still, if I had to choose one, I suppose it would be Dolores Umbridge so that I can kick her in the shins.


10. I think it would be the Wings of Fire universe. It would be cool to not be humans. Plus, the fire breath or whatever dragon ability that I might get.

11. I love Saturdays. They are a holiday in themselves and I have the satisfaction of knowing that the next day is a holiday too.
Although, I'll admit, there's been no Saturdays or Sundays for me since some time.

12. All the months are nice and bring something special to me. I love all of them.

13. Betheliza. No one else.

14. I think I would skip question 4 which asked about my aura. I don't have any definite answer on that so it's an irrelevant question.

15. The tagging part. I won't be tagging the Wattbandians because they all have already been tagged two times

So, my friends, brace yourself:









And though I had said I won't tag Wattbandians, but I make a special exception for Betheliza


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