21. ●Bleeding Hearts●

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The blast of freezing winds passes echoing the losses. The cold hallway of the hospital screams of pain.

Her pain.
His pain.
Their pain.

A sob left Rubina Ahmed lips as a vision arises up.

The spring is yet to arrive, London is still cold in February. The silent hospital corridor fills with cries, the baby has arrived, their wait is over.

"Shukar Allah" she whispers.

All these months were painful, Shaziya had gone through hell and back, credits to her abusive husband.
To say the truth, Rubina didn't expect the baby to survive, but it did. They were fights. The baby is a gem.

Soon her husband, Ahmed brings the baby, he operated just now. Few minutes old bundle of joy, pinkish skin, and the moment she opens her hazel brown eyes, Rubina Ahmed knows she is gonna rule hearts, a gem. She gulps, tears swell up, of happiness.

Ahmed smiled, "She is our daughter too. Shaziya asked me to name her."

Shaziya knows about their yearning for a daughter, and she fulfilled it. Friends are family. And she is the family.

"She is the moon in the sky full of stars. She will stand out in the crowd, always like that. A gem. Amaya, my Amy."

A forehead kiss, and a happy smile. Amaya is their daughter.

The winds approved as the sky pours happy tears.
Trees bowed as a gem has arrived, to rule hearts, to conquer, to fight.

A sob left her lips as the cold blast brings her back to the present. Her daughter is fighting for life.
A life where she suffered enough. And she couldn't do anything about it.

A hand pressed against her shoulder, she tilts her head a little. With tears in his eyes, Arhaan Ahmed is standing with hope.

He gulps. Never in all his thirty-four years, he cried for someone other than family. And Amaya is family.

His sister, someone he neglected because of what? Anger? Anger, pain, frustration. But nothing was her fault.

She was the victim, a martyr of fate.

"She is a fighter, Amma. She will be fine." He whispers.
She nods.

Life is giving her little share of happiness now, it can't be that cruel now. But who is she fooling, life is cruel, for her Amy.

A little away from them Seher sits next to her brother. Years ago a girl helped her in this hospital, years later that girl is fighting for her.

"Life is anything but fair," she said in the air as she leans on the stiff shoulder next to hers.

Losing her is not even an option, as she suffers, his heart bleeds, crying for them.

Time is the most unpredictable. It's been two hours of dead silence and still, no one dares to break it. Drenched in blood Zain sits just next to the Operation theatre.

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