im back at it again with that angsty shit

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"Yaku!  I'm going out to pick up some food, do you want to come?"

Yaku looked up from his phone to see Chae standing at the door, a smile spread across her face as she awaited Yaku's answer.

"No thanks I'm good.  I'll just hang around here and write an essay or whatever the hell college kids do." He responded, picking up his phone to see 4 new messages from his boyfriend.  It had been a while since he talked to Lev, he made a mental note to call his love later.

"Okay then.  I'll be back in like thirty minutes!" Chae said as she closed the door and left Yaku to lose himself in his thoughts.

Yaku stared up at his ceiling, not knowing what to do with his time.  Of course, he could always call Lev or Alisa, but the boy was too lazy for that, too lazy to explain why he hadn't talked to them in so long.  It's not like they'd be mad at him right?  He had just been busy, but what if they were mad?  Yuta and Chae kept him distracted pretty often and he was really able to enjoy himself around them, especially Yuta, considering he understood Yaku so well.  But nobody could compare to his Lev?  Right? 

Before he could burrow himself too deep into his mind prison, a soft knock sounded from the door.

The short boy groaned as he trudged over to the door, opening it half heartedly before crying boy flung himself into Yaku's arms.


"Y-Yaku.  I'm sorry I just-"

"No no Yuta don't apologize.  What happened?"  Yaku asked lovingly as he redirected the taller to his bed and sat him down.

"Me... Me and Sicheng b-broke up!" Yuta sobbed.  Yaku felt his own heart drop and ran over to embrace the crying boy.  Yuta buried his face into Yaku's shirt as Yaku snaked his arms around the elder.  

"I'm so sorry Yuta, I'm sorry.  I know it hurts like hell but-"

"It does!  I miss Sicheng...Sicheng said I'm becoming too distant, he said it was obvious I don't care about him anymore.  He said..." Yuta's voiced trailed off and he looked up at Yaku with guilt displayed across his beautiful doe eyes.

"Yuta, honey what's wrong?  What did he say?" Yaku inquired, stroking Yuta's hair to soothe him.

"He said it's obvious that I'm falling in love with somebody else instead," Yuta whispered, a fresh sheet of tears glazing over his eyes as he buried his face back into Yaku's shoulder.

"Is that true?"

"No!  Well, not entirely.  I still love him more than my own life but... I don't know there's just this other boy..."

Yaku understood.  It wasn't that Yuta was trying to be unfaithful to his beloved, but he just couldn't control his own feelings.  Understandable.  But that didn't make things any less painful for him.

"You probably think I'm awful now, don't you?  I had the love of my life all to myself and that still wasn't enough to satisfy me."

"I don't hate you Yuta.  I understand, I really do.  Love isn't easy, if it was then we'd all have it."

"You're so understanding Yaku, I don't know why you waste your time on a piece of shit like me."

"Don't say that!  Yuta, you're one of the best people I've ever met, you're so kind and funny and smart and you made a mistake you couldn't control but that's normal!  Don't ever say that about yourself again and let me be clear, nothing could ever make me hate you." Yaku said sternly, pulling the heartbroken boy closer to his body.


"Absolutely nothing."

"Well then... um..."

"Yuta what's wro-"

Yuta cut him off as he crashed his lips against Yaku's, causing the shorter's eyes to widen in shock.

When Yaku would kiss Lev it felt like a dream, like their lips were made only for each other.  He would feel the warm electric feeling would spread across his body in the most pleasurable way possible, the butterflies would arise in his stomach, everything about it would be perfect.  Kissing Yuta wasn't bad per say, but the magic wasn't there.  It just felt off, different, maybe even wrong.  But Yaku couldn't stop himself from closing his eyes and kissing back anyway. 

"Sorry I forgot my wallet I-" A voice sounded from the doorway before stumbling upon Yuta and Yaku, the Yuta and Yaku who both had boyfriends as far as she knew.  The boys eyes widened as they pulled apart to meet the eyes of a confused Chaeyoung.

"Chae I swear it's-"

"Chaeyoung we-"

"What the flippin' heckin' fuck is going on here?!" 

a/n: it's been a while hasn't it?


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