Chapter Three

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After the sorting hats introduction, everyone politely applauded, and Professor McGonagall got ready to call the first years with a long parchment, well, what can they say, the enrolled students at Hogwarts is big, however, after Voldemort's said rampage, parents choose not to have children in fear of their safety.

Hadrian's eyes travelled to the staff's table, snorting as he saw Dumbledore on a throne. In Dumbledore's left and right was the other teachers, and of course, his father.

'I just wanna learn!' He playfully thought. His mind travelled to plans and solutions until he was hit with a shock. He hasn't fully change his name yet! After being called by the name Harry Potter he will have to be introduced to the press, his parents will try to claim it false and he will be their target!

'How careless of me!' He thought.

But his thoughts were soon interrupted as the first student to be sorted was called.

"Potter, Charles?"

Everyone was confused and anxious when the same idiot of a boy from the train waltz to the front while he bowed upon reaching the seat.

Now why was his name called first? He looks cocky. Where is he going to be sorted? The same thought's wandered around everyone's head while Hadrian merely sniggered. Dumbledore's head rise up to see what kind of boy the chosen one is.

About minutes later, the boy seem to be arguing with the hat to where he is to be sorted. The hat let a defeated sigh escape his lips as he shout,


"WE GOT POTTER! WE GOT POTTER!" Two identical boys chanted as the other housemates clapped and cheered.

"Abbot, Hannah?"

"Bones, Susan?"

Harry zoned out after that, thinking to himself. There was not such important things happening after Granger and Malfoy was sorted to Gryffindor and Slytherin.

"Brooks, August?"

Harry's eyes looked up as he sensed a very strong raw magic radiating from the boy. He watched him curiously. August had very pale white long hair but he does not look anything like the Malfoys alright. He had his lonh hair up in ponytail. He had deep dark purple-black eyes anyone could stare at all day. And light pink lips with straight white teeth. Who is this boy?

The boy had a hat stall, before the hat finally decided.


Now Harry grimaced, he must have been one of those chivalrous pricks. Would have been a great partner though.

"Potter, Harry?"

Everyone went silent, deathly silent. James look horrified, while Dumbledore went pale. Hadrian mentally face palmed but walk to the seat. He's undeniably charming. The students thought. At the corner if Harry's eyes, Snape's mind was filled with wonder, as he looked over Harry and his assistant in potions.

'I require you let me in your head, heir.' Harry knows exactly what he meant, his head was shielded to legilimens masters, like Dumbledore, etc. He complied to raise down his occlumency, politely greeting the ancient hat.

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