Chapter 1

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Four years ago, during the Sakura Empire's last defense against the Combined fleet of Azur Lane. There is chaos on their home waters as the shells and bombs are firing against them. During this time, Sakura Empire's forces are dwindling. either they will surrender or they'll all be annihilated. They do know the reason why they fight, but they don't know why they would use such dark power given by the Sirens. They didn't question their superiors, only they know, their actions were righteous and it is the divine will.

"Ryuujou's starboard is hit, requesting to retreat her!" One of the officers shouted as he looked to the battlefield from afar using the binoculars.

"Agh! Why on earth are we losing?!" Their commanding officer grunted as he slammed the table where their battle map is and their strategies.

"We have a word from our higher officials, they said we should surrender." A soldier reported as he tries to stay calm but the commanding officer seems displeased hearing it, so he grabs the soldier's collar in fierce anger.

"Why do we surrender from those grunts?! Our men just lost motivation to fight, I will make them fight!" The commanding officer lashes out as he stops grabbing the soldier's collar and returns to the table, trying to think how to turn the tide.

"Sir, Lt. Commander Ken, is on his way to make his last charge against the enemy fleet!" One of the officers informed him as he was communicating on the radio.

"Lt. Commander Ken, he is a brave young man. We should follow his example rather than whining here, but... It's a shame for me to die here." The commanding officer mumbled as he looked at the soldier whom he lashed out earlier.

"Get my wakizashi." He commands then he clenches his own fist deeming the battle is lost.

Meanwhile at Lt. Commander Ken's position, he's fighting off the enemy troops while using one of the anti-air guns of the ship he's riding. It is an intense battle, while also fighting he's also commanding the other soldiers.

"Sir, our bow has been critically damaged!" One of the soldiers reported as he walked in a crippling manner, this made Lt. Commander shocked.

"In that case, ram our ship to one of theirs and we will kill every last one of them!" He ordered and this soldier saluted as to comply with the order.

Once their ship rammed the enemy ship, they quickly attack the deck of the ship. Lt. Commander Ken is the one who's leading them and suddenly they've been greeted by multiple soldiers of Azur Lane alongside their commander.

"I am Lt. Commander Ken, I am the commander from the Sakura Empire! For our country and our leadership, Banzai!" He cried as he engaged the enemies in a firefight, then the commander of the soldier smiles as he will respond likewise.

"Lt. Sieghart of Azur Lane. Let's see if you can win this battle!" The commander of the soldiers introduced himself as he pulled out his M3 submachine gun and commanded all his men to battle.

They engaged in a firefight then when they ran out of ammo and such, they engaged in close quarter combat with their bayonets and swords. They lost many men that day but after hours of non-stop fighting, the Sakura Empire surrendered. Which made the factional war end's turning point. Although after the war, there are some officers from the Sakura Empire who have been taken to Azur Lane and one of them is Lt. Commander Ken.

At the present day, at the Azur Lane HQ, there are 3 Admirals sitting on their respective seats of the hierarchy and in front of them is former Lt. Commander Ken of Sakura Empire now became the Lieutenant of Azur Lane.

"We have heard of your accomplishments. You successfully investigated the Siren raiding fleet around our supplies routes and even repelling them." One of the admirals informed him and he is very impressed by this feat so he looks to the top admiral with an intention of making Lt. Ken to be promoted, "Admiral Ernst, I think we should promote him to become a commander."

"Admiral James, well don't you think it's going too far? I mean I don't mind if he came from the Sakura Empire, but we don't know how their superiors will think about this." The other admiral spoke out but Admiral Ernst is still thinking if they should promote him to become a commander.

"Well, we could make him a commander under the leadership of newly promoted Colonel Sieghart himself." Admiral James suggested as they were discussing about the promotion while Lt. Ken is sighed because he thinks this would be a long one before he could leave and go to his safe haven, barracks.

"He will become a commander of his own fleet, at the same time it would be under the leadership of Colonel Sieghart. That will be it." Admiral Ernst declared as he looked to Lt. Ken who is waiting for them to finish.

"Okay? So, what will I do?" Lt. Ken asked as he is dumfounded for the matter.

"You will be commanding a fleet of your own, composed of ship girls, you will have the liberty to choose which ship girls, of course 3 backliners and 3 vanguards." Admiral James explained and that made Lt. Ken think which ship girls he'll be having on his fleet.

"Don't worry, you have until next week. For the meantime, enjoy your celebration for your promotion." Admiral Ernst said as he stands up as the case is finished, "You are dismissed."

"Thank you, admiral!" Lt. Ken saluted before he leaves. But once he leaves the office, he's now officially a commander, which that made him think. He's at the backline, which is he won't be engaging much battles as before.

He stretched out his arms high before putting it to his pants' pockets and walked to the exit of the building. The sun rays upon him which he used his hand to cover the light, he further walks out to the building's perimeter and goes to the shaded area.

"Commander huh... I wonder if I can handle the load, since it would be different from leading men and now ship girls..." He thought as he sits down to the bench trying to think things over. Then suddenly, he sees someone familiar, a cerulean bunny haired girl.

"S-Souryuu?!" He called out and the cerulean hair girl looks to his direction and that made a quite surprised face on her as she approaches him

"Lt. Commander Ken? It's been a long time." She greeted as she pushed her glasses then she continues, "How fares your work as an Azur Lane officer?"

"Well apparently, I've been promoted to Commander of a fleet." He answered as he's ruffling his hair in annoyance since he doesn't know how to lead bunch of ship girls, he's has limited knowledge of it.

"I see, it seems based on your reaction just now, you lack experience leading ships." She deduced and that made him nod in agreement.

"Yeah, so apparently, I'm here thinking which ship girls I'll be taking under my wing." He explained as he crossed his arms.

"Well, I'm sure you're going to look for them." Souryuu replied hinting that she believes that he is capable of looking his own.

"Yeah... And I'll think about that later. I want to do something to clear my mind." He said as he stands up and looks up to the sky.

"Hanafuda." He spoke out and made Souryuu ponder why would he ended up thinking about hanafuda. Then he points her.

"Let's have our first official match, sensei." He requested which made her surprised and amused at the same time as she pushed her glasses once again.

"Very well... You want me on your fleet?" She intimidated him but it didn't budge him he only smirks.

"Yes." He replied as they now have a scenario of stand off...


Hey, new story after the previous one? That was fast. Anyways, hope you enjoy this new fanfic. After all, I am still a newbie but dedication for the shipfus is real!

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