# 6 Judge Q x Judge! reader

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Dealing with Q's antics was honestly tiring, I mean, look at him! A full grown man getting beaten up by a contestant for the tournament, who was probably not up to 18 years yet. You stayed seated as the other commissioners rushed out of their seats. Judge P simply asked "Aren't you coming?"

"Is there a reason for me to? You guys are more than enough......." You stretched your arms above your head before getting out of your seat, holding the back of your hand to your yawning mouth "But if you insist on it so much...... Then I guess I'll grace the audience with my presence at least once-"

You couldn't finish your sentence as P asked "Why don't you tell him, (First/letter)? About how you feel?" "What do you mean how I feel? I hate his guts, P......... You of all people should know that much....."

You replied vaguely as your cheeks dusted an almost invisible shade of pink, your head ducked down so that she wouldn't catch the blush on your face.

As soon as you got to the ring, setting yourself in the green haired man's line of sight to block him from murdering Jin Mori with just his eyes, the excessive compliments started to reach your ears

"(First/letter), you're so cool!" "She's so pretty!" "Oh my gosh, she's amazing!" "she's the only one that can rock a corporate look that way!" "Tailcoats are supposed to be so old fashioned, but she's definitely bringing them into style again" "oh, my, she's a goddess!" "With her mouth watering curves......"

At this point, the beaten judge that was staring at your tantalizingly long legs raised his head to lock eyes with you "Aren't you going to answer them? I'm sure they expected an answer last year, miss 'I'm-so-cool'........."

You rolled your eyes before bending to his current height as he was forced to sit on the ground "Need I remind you, Q.............. I'm not the one that was beaten by a teenager just now........ Also, my fans are my fans........ I'll respond to them in my own time......... Got it, Short stack?"

You finished off, tapping the top of his head as you rose to your feet, a mischievous smile on your face when he started struggling again, prompting O and R to hold him tighter, comical fumes of anger escaping his ears and nose as he began yelling at you

"Let me go! I'll kill that woman! (First/letter), I dare you to come back here! I'll decimate you! You annoying-" before he could say another word, Mujin walked past him and mumbled "Your pay is reduced for the next three months.......... I assume you know why"

"Th-three months?" He asked, disdain written all over his face as you placed a hand over your mouth, giggling quietly to yourself, so as not to humiliate the male any further. But deep down, you felt hurt that something like this happened to him, even though he brought it upon himself with his recklessness, he didn't deserve something like this.

You then gestured for the men to follow you when you stopped walking, your mind going back to the conversation you had with P earlier :
"Why don't you tell him, (First/letter)? About how you feel?"

'How I feel, huh? It would be so humiliating........... I bet he would even laugh at it too......' You thought to yourself, biting your bottom lip and clenching your fists before turning around, a bright smile on your face as you spoke to O

"Could you give me a minute, O? There's something I need to sort out first, you guys can head over to the lounge......... And R, please don't strangle the dumbass to death...... We all agree that he's an idiot and will probably be nothing more, but still....... Don't kill him.... Yet"

You walked out of the stage entrance and somehow found your way to the rooftop. You leaned forward onto the railings, your elbows holding your weight as you let the tears of frustration slip from the corners of your eyes, your bottom lip caught in between your teeth

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