#9 Jin Mori x reader Lemon

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[Warning : people are doing the hanky panky in this, so I suggest you don't read it if you can't cope with such...... Sorry if it's bad... This is my first time writing a lemon...... Um...... Sexual themes...... You have been warned]

Mori simply stared at you as you berated him for stealing the bananas you bought earlier "But you weren't eating them........ Maybe you didn't want them..? They were delicious though"

"If I didn't want them, then why would I be carrying them home in a nylon?! You had absolutely no right to swipe them off me and start eating them, Mori! And why are you even following me in the first place?!" You yelled at him.

He was annoying on normal days, but today's was worse. By far. You had gotten used to him following you around, but today, he took it too far. However, his response wasn't one you expected.

"There was a guy following you......... He looked really sketchy, so I thought I'd walk with you to keep you safe. Sorry about the bananas...... I just really like them, and they're the best fruits I ever had"

Honestly, his bright smile made you soften up as you thought to yourself 'So....... He wasn't just following me to be annoying......... He wanted to protect me......... That's...... Nice..... But' You crossed your arms as you voiced your displeasure.

"But, I can take care of myself....... Besides, you didn't have to walk me all the way home... Even if I'm not there yet....... You didn't have to, banana thief!" He let you cross the road first, his eyes widening as you turned back to face him, standing right in the middle of the road.

"Watch out!" He yelled as he tackled you out of the road and onto the sidewalk, his body covering yours to keep you safe "Ouch! Hey, don't- huh?" Your protest turned into confusion as you noticed the position you were in.

His body was on top of yours, his arms on either side of your head holding him up as he lay between your legs.......... He lay between your legs............. Between your legs?!!!

In a panic, you screamed and kicked him in the face, your cheeks flushed as you sat up, holding your hands to your chest, a horrified expression on your face "Pervert!"

"No! Wait it wasn't intentional...... I-I-I.... I only wanted to get you out of the way! A car was coming!" He said as he held a hand over his almost broken nose, he tried sniffing and dropped his hand when he realized that it wasn't broken.

"Don't come near me! Perverted banana thief!" You yelled, getting up and running towards your house. He chased you the whole way there, yelling for you to slow down and not take it the wrong way.

"I'll call the police on you! Molesting banana thief!" You yelled back at him, fishing your house keys out of your pocket as you climbed the stairs three at a time "I didn't mean to! Listen to me! Also, you know my name already, so don't call me that!"

You had just gotten to your apartment door when the brunette teen grabbed you by your shoulders from behind and spun you around, his eyes wide as he tried to explain "(Name), wait, just listen to me and understand first! It wasn't-"

At the way he made you face him, your keys dropped to the carpeted floor, making him grab them and say "I got 'em... Now, just let me explain-" Impatient you who simply wanted to be away from him grabbed his arm and hugged it from behind, trying to get your keys away from him.

"Give it, Mori! Now!" He lifted his arm, letting your feet dangle off the ground as you hung from his shoulder, desperately reaching for your keys.

He made to push you off his arm, but you only struggled, swinging and flailing your legs, causing the brunette to trip on your doormat as he tried his best to accommodate your weight, however it only resulted in him crashing to the floor on his back.

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