Luke and the Seed's (Prior to The Arrest)

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-Welcoming Party-

It had been a fairly peaceful day when the Seeds moved into Hope County. For Luke, it was a pretty relaxing day.

The Park was closed for "Maintenance", but really he closed it down so he could go fishing. He planned on having a community fish fry to welcome the new family to Hope County.

"Last time someone new moved in, was you Luke, can't believe it's been two years already." Local aviation expert Nick Rye stated as he passed Luke a beer.

"Yep. Time flies when you're busy surviving. How's Kim? She's what? Three months along now?" Cracking open his can, he took a sip before setting it down next to his pole.

"Yeah, she believes that it's a girl, can you believe that?" His exasperation emphasized by his hand held out brought a thin smile to the park rangers face.

"Well I hope it is, I bet Mary May that the baby will be a girl." He shielded his head quickly as Nick crushed his own can of beer and chucked it at him.

"You damn traitor!"

"Alright, alright. Are you gonna keep fishing, because I think I've caught enough today to have enough for the party. Im gonna go get started on frying it all up."


The Seed brothers were quite surprised when they received an invitation to a welcoming party. They had figured no one had realized that they had purchased the little church.

So imagine their shock when the Whitetail Park Ranger came and personally invited them to a fish fry to welcome them to Hope County.

Jacob seemed uninterested and actively tried talking his family out of it once Luke had left. He didn't feel like getting to know anyone, but John was confident that it would be a good thing. Saying that Jacob shouldn't let his pride get in the way of meeting people.

Joseph was quite happy with the opportunity. It was the perfect opportunity to start the Project at Eden's Gate. He hoped he could convert the one who invited them.

So that's how they found themselves in an SUV somewhere in the Whitetails.

"Are you sure you know where you're heading John?" Jacob questioned, a hint of a smile under his beard.

"Yes brother, for the tenth time, I know where I'm headed. How hard can it be to find a ranger station?" Anger hung on the end of his sentence.

"Sure that's why we've been driving for half an hour."

Joseph sighed as John tightened his grip on the steering wheel.

"Brothers, please, we should not be arguing. John, Jacob, would you both prefer if I were to drive?" Jacob turned to look out the passenger window.

John swallowed and focused on the road. It took about five minutes before they finally found the campgrounds. There were a few cars in the parking lot, and a sign hanging from the building that read:

"Welcome to Hoep County!"

Out front there were two people. One was the one who invited them, the other a man in a hat and green jacket, and they seemed to be arguing.

"You had one job for the party, and that was to hang the letters up in right order. Just, do something else." Luke pinched his nose as he began moving towards the ladder.

"Whatever man. All right I'm taking over DJ Jerome! Its time for some Disco Inferno!"

The three brothers looked between each other before Joseph approached the frustrated man on the ladder.

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