Chapter 2

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Once the two friends finished their practice, they headed back to campus seeking a good night's rest in their dorms.
Little did they know that things were about to change...


The following morning, Henry woke up to his alarm clock mumbling a small "I need some brain juice", while heading straight towards the fridge for some orange juice.
He tilted the orange juice carton towards his glass, but no juice came out.
Confused, he puts down both the juice box and the empty glass to go look at the calendar, just as Michael emerged from the bedroom yawning.
"Tuesday, April 6th, 2002", Henry slowly read. "Is something completely wrong with my mind today?"He wondered to himself thinking that something was messing with him.
"Morning." Michael greeted pulling out some cereal for breakfast, "Morning dude... Hey, do you think my mind is playing tricks on me?" Henry asked as he turned around to look at Michael.
"Uh... no? Your brain is straight to me Henry."
"Good, I was beginning to think I was going crazy".
Michael laughed and tossed Henry his books which he caught with ease.
Soon they were headed towards class.
"Wait... Isn't today Wednesday? Ah my bad. I guess it's math today and not English", Michael said checking his phone in confusion.
But more odd events kept on occurring throughout the day.
Everything was like deja vu.
Michael ran into Mr. Miller the chemistry teacher, Henry endured Annabelle talking his ears off during math class and the same stray dog ran past them on their way to the tennis court.
That's when Henry abruptly stopped in his tracks. Michael noticed and asked, "What's wrong?"
"Don't you have this odd feeling of deja vu?" Henry asked with another question. "Oh, don't worry about that. Let's go practice." Michael answered before turning back around and jogging the rest of the way. Henry caught up with him just in time to prevent him from slamming into the fence.
"This way, Michael." Henry said as he laughed.
Practice proceeded as usual. Once they were back in their dorm, Henry assured himself, "Everything will be back to normal tomorrow. I'd better get some shut-eye".

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