Chapter 4

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Yet another Tuesday morning in Vancouver, and the two friends were already wide awake and headed straight to the library.
"So uh... what do we look for?" Michael asked.
"Anything that looks as old as this scroll," was all Henry said before heading towards the history section.
"We'll that's helpful." Michael grumbled to himself as he headed towards the very back of the library.


Two hours later they were still searching, but with no success until Michael saw a really old and shabby looking book.
Curious, he tried pulling it off the shelf, but the moment he gave it a slight pull there was a small click from beside him.
A secret passageway!
"Henry!" Michael yelled, "SHHHHHHH!!!!" The librarian all the way at the front desk hushed him.
Henry slowly came to a stop, before the secret passageway that was slowly closing.
Henry used the book he was holding to keep it open. "What did you do?" He asked Michael turning towards him. "I just tried pulling this book off the shelf..."
"SHHHHHHH!!!! This is a library! Quiet!" The librarian screeched.
"Look who's talking," Michael muttered to himself.
"Come on, let's go." Henry said already squeezing himself inside.
Henry grunted, as Michael tripped and bumped into him in this dark tunnel that lead who knows where. "Sorry." "Watch where you're going!" "How!? I can't see a thing!"
Henry ignored this and kept going, using his hands to feel his way through the darkness.
About thirty minutes past, and the tunnel seemed to grow steeper by the second making it harder to not slip and fall.
Just when they started to think that they were going nowhere, Henry's hand touched something cold and slippery.
It felt like... metal... he used both hands and tried to figure out where it ended and almost fell down a hole.
"Michael, there's a pole we can use to slide down. Try not to fall, okay?"
Henry grabbed the pole with both hands and wrapped his legs around it, and proceeded to slide down to the unknown.
"Henry?" Michael called out a bit scared "What do you see?"
"It... ah, it's too bright.... It... looks like some sort of lab!" Henry called up to Michael.
"Get down here, scaredy cat!"
Michael took in a deep breath to calm his nerves, then grabbed on to the pole for dear life and slowly inched his way down with his eyes tightly shut closed.
"About time, slowpoke!!" Henry's voice greeted him.
Michael opened one eye and then the other, and he was not sure what to expect.
Henry sighed and walked away from Michael and the pole towards the lab.
The lab was filled with all sorts of odd chemical experiments and... scrolls!
Henry pulled out the scroll him and Michael had found.
It had the exact same handwriting! For some reason it looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't seem to remember where he'd seen it before.
"Woah, look at this green stuff!" Michael said poking at a glass containing this weird green oozy stuff. "Michael! Don't t-" Henry couldn't finish, the sound of a door opening caught they're attention.
Henry froze.
"Hide!" Michael whispered grabbing his arm and dragging him under a table hidden in the shadows.
Footsteps could be heard approaching them.
Who was this person?
What was this hidden lab for?
Find out in the next chapter!

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