Part 8

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Theme: Judgement by Kazuma Kiryu

"Why the hell did you do that," asked Kaibara who was berating the living daylights out of Monoma for giving Jane his headband.

"I'm sorry I really don't know what came over me,"

"I had no idea that you simped her, but I can't really blame you,"

"Someone's on my side,"

"But it was still incredibly stupid,"

"Let's just get some points," said Monoma

"Hello, can you please give me your points now?" asked Shinso politely while standing on Monoma's head

"Wait who are you an–" said Monoma and the rest of his team before getting brainwashed and handing over their points.

"Thank you,"

Theme: ひぐらしのなく頃に by Eiko Shimamiya

They all managed to get through the cavalry battle, everyone aside from Monoma, who was chosen as a substitute for Toshi in case that he went unconscious again. The primary reason that Monoma became substitute was so he could get close to J.

But in Toshi's Mind, other things were going on, dangerous things.

Toshi was fighting off a bunch of enemies that each had their own respective weapon, one had a combat knife, another had a scythe that he could manipulate with his blood, one had a meat cleaver, their battleground was a huge death trap in the form of a fairground. this challenged Toshi due to lack of knowledge of the location or the terrain and his opponents were super fast, so he had to improve his stamina and speed along with his stealth and strength.

Theme: Interlude: Shadow by BTS (Suga)

As I felt the combat knife sinking into my shoulder, I then fought back immediately striking the head flames, causing 2nd-degree burns, I then struck his flank with a nail I found on the ground, shoving the nail right into one of its arteries, causing huge amounts of blood to spill out like groundwater exiting to a lake.

This caused me to be able to strike him in the head again, this time with a more lethal positional strike, but before I could finish him another one appeared that he hadn't seen before, it could manipulate the elements and minerals in the ground, much like the person I failed to defeat, I then decide that it was more simple to kill off my previous prey so, that it would be simpler to strike against the more powerful opponent.

So I then ran towards him burning his arms off while cauterising the wound allowing me to strike him efficiently while not maintaining any damage to my own body, this gave me the advantage for stamina and speed as I rushed him while striking all of his defences at once. The more he ran the angrier, I became this allowed me to give him a blow to the head that allowed complete destruction of the frontal lobe, this killed everyone in the background, then I realised that I hade exhausted myself, what for me felt like years with no sleep nor food, was, in fact, an hour in real life.

Theme: It Ain't Me (Kenji Remix) by Fly By Nightcore

During the cavalry battle our team won, I was quite happy, but then at the peak of our victory, someone from the crowd shouted "Get A Room," towards Todoroki and Jane, inciting a blush from Todoroki and a 23-foot tall mallet from Yaoyurozu which someone could interpret as 'he's mine and no-one else's' this made J laugh, due to not having any romantic thoughts about Todoroki.

Toshi literally fell onto his back unconscious, so he then had a 10-minute rest allowing him to recover from all the trauma he had been through. 2 minutes into his rest Jane decided to pay him a visit, she began telling him everything he missed, but Toshi's thoughts were spiralling in confusion

'Why can't I move, why can't I see, where am I, what year is it, J is that you, WHERE AM I, I NEED TO KNOW WHERE I AM'

"You know, you're a very weird person, but in that weirdness lies a good person, a person who will be able to help others to the best of their ability and who can help someone find out about their true selves." for some reason after jane said that, she felt compelled to poke him on the nose.

'What the fuck just happened, why did she poke me on the nose, ALRIGHT FUCK IT, TIME TO GET THE HELL UP,' thought Toshi as he decided to stop lying on his back and got up.

"OW MY BACK!" he howled in pain as he attempted to sit up straight, Jane had almost left the room, but she ran straight back in.

"Are you okay?"


"Are you sure you didn't just crack it too hard,"

"Actually, I might've just strained my body over those years I was asleep,"

"Look man, you were only asleep for ten minutes,"

That discussion lasted for 12 minutes, while mainly consisting of Jane telling him about a 'different' Toshi had taken over him and helped them win the Cavalry Battle by carrying J and Todoroki, but mainly Todoroki, then Toshi getting angry with that explaining his back, and the discussion only ended when Aizawa came in brought them out to complete the sports festival due to Toshi having made a full recovery while chatting his head off.

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