Chapter 3. Good-bye !!!

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... From this day it was very hard to sleep and resting and sleeping were nearly impossible for me because the death of my comrades still haunted me until this day. I could have done more...

I could have did what everyone else was doing in order to save me. But sadly I seemed just a burden to everyone. I was literally getting carried by my friend John. I should have helped them and rescued more people like a real doctor should have done, to save lives and even sacrifice yourself if needed for the sake of human kind but I broke my codex. 

I was devastated. I lost so much but didn't realize at this time how many people I really helped, until someday at the internment camp, a nurse came up to me and thanked me for evacuating and rescuing all those people; her included. Back then she wasn't able to thank her so she thought she lost her chance forever ,until she saw me getting carried into the internment camp where she then helped the doctors treat my wound. She said that her name was Mary Morstan and that she was very grateful for putting my life on the line to save all these people. At this time I thought that she was just trying to cheer me up. My first impression was that she was very young ,maybe about my age. She has long brown hair which she wears freely and very pleasant aura surrounding her. I said it was just my duty to help and that she doesn't need to thank me. After all we lost almost more than half of our original number. 

She quickly contradicted me and said very nice things ,like that she was there seeing how I was helping all those people to escape and then almost putting my life on the line to rescue  two soldiers. Nobody would have done that just to rescue two soldiers because it certainly was a suicidal mission to fight against this many enemys. She looked up to me like I was some kind of hero that I really wasn't.

Little did she know that these two meant the world to me. Then, when I think about it back, I feel a little bit rude because I treated her a little bit harsh by not believing her statements. However, we quickly became good friends and she helped me little by little overcoming my pain moreover I met a lot of new friends there that I want to thank for in this diary. I didn't know how much I meant to them and what I really did back then until one day she invited me to follow her to the big hall where all the patients were stationed.

By this time, I got infected by typhus and would soon be sent back to London for better treatment. I didn't know why she would call me to follow her. We didn't talk much during this time because I had typhus and was contagious back then ,so distance from me was better for all of them.

All this time I was focusing on those people I have lost that I lost focus on how much I really did, until I entered the room. It was full of people. They have planned a surprise party to thank me. That was the most wholesome thing someone ever did to me. I wanted to hug  Mary for planning all this but you know, typhus. I got tears in my eyes from this overflowing feeling I got that was seemingly gone but was slowly coming back to me... 


There were my patients and many soldiers that I helped back then at the accident and emergency departement; friends I made during my stay in this camp and all those I have evacuated back then. They all gathered here to thank me. There were dozens, no hundreds of people who have gathered here. Tears were running down my face and thinking back it was one of my happiest memories even if it was little bit embarrassing. And exactly at this moment I remembered a quote of my brother which he always said before he passed away: 

"It's not about winning or losing in life, it is about finding and searching; the route is the goal or so". How funny, isn't it; he didn't even know how to formulate his quote. Maybe I was the one who should have finished it.

It was almost perfect this moment. There was only one thing missing.

A tribute for all the people, not only to me; no...

tio all the people in this war who risked or sacrificed their life to stand their ground even if it meant death. Yes, even the enemys. They all lived to their reputation and even more.

John, Moran and all the other people who sacrficied their life to save me. Thank you!

We had a happy night and all of us had fun during this time but everything has an end so the next day I had to pack my things and went to the ship that should bring me back home.

And when all people gathered one last time to see me, all things were said and there was only one thing for me to do.

"Goodbye !!!" I screamed out of my lungs as I looked and saw them slowly vanishing in the distance leaving everyone who lost their lives and this place behind.

to be continued ...

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