Chapter 7. Lightheaded

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... Once we left the university and got ourself ready to head out to Baker Street 221b, I began to wonder what kind of person his roomate would turn out to be. Of course I was a little bit disappointed that he already found another roomate but maybe it should be for the best not to be with this Holmes guy in the same apartment, although the price he told me was pretty cheap. Damn, I needed that apartement; if it woudn't be for this other roomate he was talking about. Maybe I could call one of my old friends and ask them if they would take refugees? 

What am I thinking? No running away from my responsibilitys anymore. It's now or never. First I have to confront him about the stolen chemicals he has in possession and then I will get my life back in line beginning with finding an apartment with a fitting roomate...

We we're already walking for about fifthteen minutes and I watched out for every inconvenience he would make, ready to fire my revolver at any time. Inside of me I was freaking out. He obseved me all the time like I was some kind of lab rat. I was scared that he might have found out about my weapon  in my coat pocket. I got a very eerie feeling about it and the atmosphere around us is getting more weirder each second. He began to look direct into my eyes and as I began slowly to panic I was ready to grap my weapon. The streets were empty and no one would have heard my cry for help if i would scream so I was on my own with this strange person. I needed to act I thought and I stared back direct into his eyes. 

I realized that his eyes seemed a little bit absent. What was he thinking? Did he plan to ambush me and kidnapp me into his apartment? This makes no sense. Why would he tell me where he lives with his accomplice? Was he too overconvidence? Studies say that sociapaths and psychopaths tend to be more convident with their doing and it would be easy for such a tall person to pin me down and take hostage. My heart began to beat faster, each step we would go further my hearth would jump further too and as he began to come awfully close to me like half a meter I was prepared to act...

But before I could act he made a sudden move. I was quick enough to get out my weapon and I saw my life flashing threw my eyes until I realized that he wasn't going for the kill...

He was holding my hand! Why was he holding my hand? As he was holding my hand I noticed that his hand was very cold. I could feel that his palm was very soft and his fingers very long. He could almost wrap them around my hand if he would have hold them tighter. I began to wonder if his hand wasn't just cold because at that time the weather got freezing cold. I wore gloves and avoided contact with bim but it was still a little bit awkward holding hands with a stranger. The only ones I hold hands before were my parents and my little brother Moran. I don't know this man neither does he know me (actually he already knew a lot about me which is kinda freaking me out) but we were holding hand like we were a couple. I blush and my cheeks began to get even redder - if this word even exists . I was begging to say to myself that it was only to warm his hands. Holmes began to feel uneasy judging that he stopped looking at me. This was going on for two minutes until I realized; wait a minute...

He has a coat with his own pockets! What the hell am I doing! I was holding hands with him this entire time without reamrking his giant pockets that he could have simply put his hand in it. He just wanted to hold my hand what a pervert!

I quickly pulled away my hand shook him off me. I backed off a few meters untili I was sure that he won't be able to do anything bad to me. I yelled at him and called him a pervert for holding my hand and finding an excuse just to hold it. Luckily for him there were no civilists around by that time. He countered me in his sober way that this was all according to his plan and apologized for his behavior. I told him that from now on we have to have distance of three meters between us and he agreed.We would now practice social distance from one another. The burden of holding hands with a wild stranger was gone and I felt relieved and lighter.

But I soon came to notice that it wasn't just the burden making me feel lighter. I grabbed into my pocket just realize that my weapon is gone and it wasn't a mystery where it could have went. This asshole used my mental instability and took it to his advantage. While I was distracted being to childish about those things and pullling his hand off mine, he quickly took my revolver out of my pocket. (Note to me, if I make it alive I should definetly store my weapon inside my jacket and not outside) My heart was racing faster than before. I would have had a chance to escape his movement but not the one of a pistol. He outsmarted me and this would have been probably the end. I asked him what he would do to me and he answered: "Nothing". I was a little bit confused why and it seemed like he knew that. We would soon arrive at our destination, he told me and we began talking:

"How did you know about my weapon that I hid in my coat?"

"Well, it was fairly simple. I already knew from the begging that you had a weapon judging by your height and strength it was a piece of cake deducting that you had something heavy in your pocket and knowing that you soon would be visiting a wild stranger it would be safer to take a weapon with you and I waited until the right moment to take it away."

"But why did you observe me like one of your experiments and didn't act straight away?"

"First things firsts, I had to predict the right move to make. One wrong step and it would have cost me my life if I wasn't careful. Woman are unpredictable creatures and I needed to find the right method to take your revolver ,this was the most reliable. Secondly, I wanted you to focuse on my face so that I could take your weapon without you focusing too much on my handmovement. Rule number one when it comes to martial arts. Simple isn't it?"

"Wow, I am impressed by your skills. We would have been good friends if it wouldn't be for the fact that you are a thief and possible assassin. Which secret agency or organization are you beloning to? Who is your superordinate?"

"How airheaded and stubborn can one person be? For the last time, I am NOT a thief, neither assassin nor an agent. I am working on my own and run a detective agency on my own."

"I thought you said that you had a complize?", I got really suspicious about his story and his mind began to breed a new unbelievable story as I quietly analyzed him.

"Look Watson, if I wanted to kill you, I would have already done it. The streets are empty; not even a bird is chirping and you think that I would seriously not take advatage of this situation ?" He looked at me trying making eye contact while trying to look innocent. 

"Yeah maybe you're right but it doesn't change the fact that you are holding an unauthorized weapon in your hand holding me as hostage. If I should truly believe you give me my weapon back." If there was a time to prove Holmes innocence it was right now. He began holding my revolver thighter as before. He stared at me. We were all alone, standing right infront of each other, looking at each other, seeing each other very closely until finally Sherlock Holmes began to speak: "I'm sorry for taking your weapon Dr.Watson. Here you can have it. If you want to call Scottland Yard that's ok. If you want to go away now and never speak to me again that's also ok. I just want you to know that I am a good person". He handed me my revolver like it was some kind of trade. A weapon which got exchange for trust. In war that would have been the worst deal possible, putting your life in the hands of a complete stranger in exchange for trust. 

After he gave it back we settled that he would be walking infront of me just to ensure that he would not pull off one of his tricks again. But deep inside me I knew that he wasn't a bad person so I decided to stick by him and follow him to Baker Street 221b. 

Sooner or later I realized that he seemed rather happy with the decision I made because he told me the truth about his mysterioius roommate. There was no stranger that would join his apartment.

It would be me.

to be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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