Chapter 1. The Battle of Maiwand pt. 2

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(Sorry I had to seperate the two parts. If not they would have been too long. I deeply apologize for this inconvenience dear readers (っ- ‸ – ς) . I'm relatively new to the Wattpad community. Now then, enjoy this chapter of Sherlock Holmes, A Hopeless Case. )

... Then the discussion abruptly stopped when an artillery hit the main base. The three ran to the armory. "It can't be. It should have at least taken them 1 week to find us and my calculations are always correct. There must be something wrong. 

"This couldn't be possible except; except; there was a mole in our lines.", John quickly realized in a blink of a moment.

Without hesitating they took all the weapons they could lay hands on and handed them over to the remaining soldiers before they also lost their armory by the artillery. Now the artillery has stopped and the enemy troops are invading the camp. The massacre began and it was total chaos. Because the British soldiers were unprepared, many of them got knocked out by an instant while the remaining ones were evacuating the doctors and nurses. While Moran and John were keeping them as far away as possible from the accident and emergency department, Juno evacuated the people in it, saving as much as possible from getting caught by the enemys. It was a very close call. She barely managed to escape by herself because a soldier named Henry who still was injured helped her fight back the russian soldier all by himself. He got knocked out after taking many blows. She wouldn't leave without Moran so she ran to Moran and John who bravely stood there fighting a dozen of men all by themself. You could tell that they were inseperable and a good team. They've got their bags and trusted each other blind. Although, they already have endured so much risking their life each second they don't seem wanting to stop defending this camp. Juno worried for them how much longer they will stand their ground, takes a rifle from a dead soldier and began to shoot at some enemys in range and took down a bunch of them. On the spur of a moment she saw someone from the corner of her eyes. An enemy pulling the trigger to take her out. She closed her eyes...

When she opened her eyes, Moran was infront of her shielding her from the bullet rain that she should have received from the opponents. And as quick as lightning John was aiming at the attackers and mowed them down in an instant after seeing that Moran was shoot.

"Moran nooo!", she cried shedding tears over her face holding him in her hands. "It should have been me. It is just not fair. I should have been the one protecting you." She looked at his back just to see that he got shot 7 times in the back. He was coughing blood that ran over her dress that she hade wore to impress him. John came to look after his best pal who was lying there almost emotionless. 

The only words that they could understand were: "Now it is my turn to protect someone I love. You were so nice to me all this *cough* time and this was my payback. There was absolutely no reason to go this far as to quit your dream job and go to such hellish place."

She responded still with tears in her eyes: "Family, if I could choose again I would always choose the one with you little brother", she held him even tighter.

"Ouch this hurts! Now what do we do with you, best buddy. John please take care of my sister please *cough* she is the only valuable thing and my only treasure. Keep her save and protect her. I can already hear the sky calling for me or is it just my ears after standing too close to an explosion?" he laughed while coughing blood.

"Even at this situation you are still trying to be funny. But I'm sorry if I can't take care of your sister longer than 5 minutes cause the reinforcement is coming right about now. May I salute to you Colonel Watson." he shed a tear and looked at his pulse ."He is dead",he said, and without hesitation he grabbed Juno leaving her brother in the dust. She punched and kicked John and screamed that he cant leave him alone but it was too late. "It won't be long until they get us too, do you want the death of your brother to be in vain?" Suddenly she felt a strong pain in her leg. She looked down and realized that she got shot in her right calf, that's why John is carrying her. He isn't a coward. He just wanted to fulfill his last deathwish. They are almost there the nearest emergency camp is just 6 km away he can do it; he already ran 3km. "How hard could it be?", he thought while gasping for air. They already saw other allies running towards the camp wich gave both of them courage. While Juno was in Johns hands she made a decision: " Leave me here then you will survive!" ,"And make my friends regret his last wish? Never." answered John, continuing to gasp for air. Suddenly another shot could be heard. Once again she closed her eyes and when she opened them and she fell on the ground, but it wasn't her who was shot, it was John. He got wounded near his back. They almost fell into the river that was delivering the old camp with fresh water. She limps to John and tries her best to help reduce his pain as much as possible.

"This is nothing but a scratch" he said laughing of the pain. "Not like my wound it went almost right through your back" she tried to act brave but she can't hold back and shed some tears. It seems that she felt affection for him like with his brother. "Please you can't go! There are not much people with the talents of yours. The world needs you!".

He told her: "Mathematicians always find ways to solve a problem so you don't have to worry. A flower like you is a beauty to watch and a treasure to keep. It is rare to find flowers who show their beauty in the worst conditions. Whoever will have such treasure will forever be lucky", he wiped her tears of her face.

As the russian soldier came near them to knock them out, Todd came right in time and grabbed his weapon and throwed him into the river. "Greeting Ms.Beautiful and Mr.Cheater", he salutes. "Right on time. A little bit later and we would have been captured", he said relieved

"Do you remember your debt Todd?", asked John.

"No, What debt? Just kiddin I just wanted to make you both laugh a little. Yeah sure, what is it?" Todd asked.

"Bring her to the safe zone . This will be my last order I will give you" , he replied.

"That's all? To bring this beauty to a safe place. Do you want that I carry you ,too?

"No, just her. I don't want to be a burden for you. So Juno, it is time to say goodbye. The clock is ticking. Maybe someday we will meet again with your brother"

"Noo. I can't lose you, too." she resonded while trying to hold back her tears.

"Hear me out! Someday, somewhere in the world there will be someone with the same caliber of yours and he will make you to the best version of yourself. You just need to find him."he told her with his soft and calm voice.

"Yeah, I will find him" she answered him with a smile.

"Goodbye to you too, Todd. You little sh*t", he said.

"Same goes for you. You are a mathematician. See ya Mr.Professor." he responded. He put Juno on his back and ran as fast as he could to the next safe place. She looked at John and saw him slowly vanishing in the distance leaving everyone who lost their lives in this place behind.

And so Todd and Juno managed to escape the russian soldiers leaving her brother and John behind.

The Battle of Maiwand was lost and an utter defeat for the British Empire.

to be continued...

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