7 days before... Part 1

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It was a rainy Saturday morning. The rain darted at my window and gave no sign of stopping. I sighed in my bed and covered my tired face in the warm, cosy blanket. As the rain continued to sing a fast lullaby, I drifted back into sleep. I was dreaming about the event that was happening in 7 days. It made me so nervous.

In my dream, someone was sitting with me on a rooftop, in front of the beautiful starry sky. I was holding hands with that person. Then I slowly leaned over to them to lay my head on their shoulder.

Then I awoke, on the floor, not remembering my dream at all.

"I need to get a bigger bed after all..."

Me and the girls were supposed to hang out in the park today, but I guess the plans were canceled. I hated the rain. I had many reasons to hate it. Mostly because of the accident that occurred a year ago. The rain just gave me the shivers.

It happened on my parents 20th anniversary. They went on a date and when they were returning home, it started raining. Lashing. Pouring. They were passing the road, when a car sped on the red light and hit them with great force. With that hit, they instantly left the earth, holding each others hands.

The driver explained that he didn't see anything in the rain, but in the end he was put into jail for driving faster than 120 kmph, passing the red light, and killing 2 people.

Thankfully my brother was then 21, so I wasnt made an orphan, as he was an adult. We lived in sorrow and griefed our parents for over a year. My brother quit college to take care of me and the house. Since then his face stayed cold and his voice monotonous.

I recovered faster than my brother. I realised that our parents wouldnt want to see us sad.

Then the phone rang. I pulled myself up from the floor and answered.

"Moshi moshi?"

"Hi (Y/N)! Sakura on the phone."

"Oh hi Sakura." I yawned.

"Did you only wake up now?!" She laughed.

"You know me very well, Im surprised I woke up before noon. Whats up?"

"Since our plans were destroyed by the rain, me and Ino thought that we can have a party at my place. You coming?"

"Um... Yeah, sure." I said. I wasnt a big fan of parties. Mostly because of the alcohol. When Sakura is drunk... its a nightmare... And I have to babysit her and the rest.

"Okay, so can you bring some snacks? We'll see you at 7pm at my place, bye!" She said in a hurry and hung up the phone before I even agreed.

I took a shower and put on a cute white dress with a belt on it and I grabbed a cream cardigan. I put on my black balerina's, took my bag and I headed out to the closest convenience store. My brother wasnt home, and he wouldnt be back until the next day. He worked as a buisness man and always went to places and left me home alone.

* In the convenience store *

"Kon'nichiwa (Y/N)-chan!" The owner of the shop said.

"Kon'nichiwa!" I smiled. He was a very nice man. He was like an uncle I never had.

"Where are you off to today?" He asked.

I didnt have time to talk to him right now. I had to quickly pick out some snacks because I was already late. I ran around the shop like crazy.

"Oh! Um, a party." I told him while rushing around the shop with a basket in my hand.

"Where is the party at?" He questioned.

"At Sakuras pla~" I accidentally bumped into someone. I couldnt do two things in the same, and if I did, this was the outcome.

We were both on the floor and all of the groceries were spread around the floor.

"I am so sorry! Im such an idiot..." I apologized and looked up. It was Naruto.

"Its okay (Y/N), Im the idiot here, I should have watched out. Here, Ill help you put these back into the basket."

I nodded. We collected the groceries into the basket. At one moment our index fingers touched but it wasn't anything big. I don't think he even noticed.

"Are you going to Sakura's party as well?" He asked and handed me the basket.
As well? I thought this was a girls sleepover!

"Oh, um. Yeah." I stuttered and fixed my outfit.

"Okay, how about Ill help you bring these to her place then? We're heading the same place anyways."

"Oh no, its okay, im fine."

He gave a little laugh.

"No you're not, look at youself! You've got milk all over your dress!"

During the fall I must have dropped the carton of milk too, now my skirt was soaked with milk.

"I dont cry over spilled milk..." I said a bit annoyed.

"And thats what I like about you, most girls would cry in shame in a situation like this. Like Ino~ Shes such a drama queen..."


"Come on, lets get going. Im cold. Ill borrow a dress from Sakura when we get there."

I might have blushed a bit.

He nodded and we paid for the groceries. I apologised to the owner, and we left the shop.

It was still raining and we both had our umbrellas out. My cardigan was ruined, it was soaking with milk and had dirt everywhere. I'm not gonna lie, it was a bit embarrassing and I was shivering from the cold.

Sakura's house was a 10 minute walk away from the store. The wind was terrible. It was like a blizzard. The wind was so strong I had to hold my umbrella with one hand and the groceries and my dress in the other. At one point the wind was so strong it blew my umbrella away.

I tried to reach out for it, but it was long gone, somewhere behind all of the tall buildings.

"You've got to ge kidding me..." I said annoyed.

Well this day wasn't going so well.

I stood there looking up at the grey sky, like if awaiting a miracle. My hair was drenched within a second, not to mention my shoes. He then grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him.

"Get under the umbrella baka, do you want to get a cold? Ill buy you a new umbrella afrer the party. Come on, lets get going before the weather gets worse. "

He handed me the umbrella and took my groceries.

I was so close to him. Our shoulders touched off each other and his warm breath hit of my hand.

As we walked, a shiny black car drove closer to us. The man inside the car waved to us to come inside.

It was Sasuke.

"Get inside, its lashing! Ill drive you there." Sasuke sreamed through the window.

I looked at Naruto as if to ask for permission and I noticed that he looked very angry. He was probably angry at this weather.

We put the groceries into the boot and got into the quickly car. I sat in the front and Naruto sat in the back. Sasuke sighed and then looked at me.

"You must be freezing." He said with no emotion at all. He took off his black jacket and covered me with it.

"This will keep you warmer." He said and started the car. The atmosphere was weird, not comfortable. It seemed like Sasuke and Naruto weren't so pleased. Naruto sat at the back with his arms crossed, looking out the window and Sasuke drove the car with a sour look. It was probably the weather.

When we got to Sakura's house, it was still raining. We took the groceries and ran inside the house without knocking. We shut the door and took a breath of relief.

"Finally here..." I sighed.

Naruto x Reader x SasukeWhere stories live. Discover now