Chapter 2

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Marinette's P.O.V

Chapter 2

I wake up the next day with my parents and sisters buzzing for some reason. As I head downstairs I hear mama talk about how I decided to enter to be chosen for the selection.

"Good morning," I said to them as I sit down next to Bridgette ruffling her hair.

"is it true?!" Bridgette askes me as stares at me with excitement. She says to me"I hope it's true that you're going to fill the application today!"

"I am Bridgette and you know what! you're going to help me!" I say as I tickle her and she laughs uncontrollably. I then turn towards mama and ask her "Mama can you please bring me the application?" and she nods her head going towards the letter and handing it to me "Thank you!" Now Bridgette let's see the questions they ask me.

What's your name?

Marinette Dupain-Cheng

How old are you?

18 years old

What cast are you in?

cast six

What is your contact information?

Number: (714)***-***5

How tall are you?

My height is 5"5

How much do you weigh?

I weight an average of 148.2

What is your hair color?

canonically black

What is your eye color?


How many languages can you speak?

I can speak three languages fluently French, English, and Mandarin

What is the highest grade level you have completed?

The highest grade level  I have completed is 11th grade

What are some special skills you possess?

"This is a hard one Bridgette what is a special skill I have?" I asked Bridgette with an eyebrow raised.

"Oh Oh Oh!!! You can put that you always wake up with a bruise and that you Tripp out of nothing! that's a skill!" Bridgette tells me and I start to laugh.

"MAMA" I scream for mama "Yes Minette?" mama said back "Can I put that I can trip on everything and anything!" I asked

she turns to look at me horrified "Oh dear god no! you better not put that!"

"what about that I could beat the world record of sleeping in!" I said that made Bridgette laugh and high five me.

"MARINETTE DUPAIN-CHENG YOU BETTER NOT PUT THAT" mama shrieked at me but papa laughed "you should put that you can inhale food in a second Mari." papa told me still laughing that earned him a smack on the head from mama.

"Marinette put that you can COOK and SEW you can also find a solution to a problem." Mama looked at me as she said that.

"FINEEEE party popper," I said dramatically as I finish the application.

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