Chapter One

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This is a warning in advance that my writing might suck so I'm sorry if it does. This is my first book and first fanfic that I've ever written so I hope yall like it.

If there's anything that you think needs to be change, please just let me know


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y/n POV

I woke up full of jitters, I know I typically wake up like that but today was different. It was my first day at the BAU and I was super nervous. I've worked with the FBI for a couple years now and it has been the best time of my life, but I requested a transfer to the BAU unit because I've wanted to study why criminals do what they do since I was a little girl. 

As I start to get out of bed I take a shower and put on a pair of dark jeans, a long white sleeve shirt, and black blazer. I wanted to look professional since it was my first day, but I also wanted to be prepared for anything. I wear minimal makeup because it is work but I also don't want to overdo it.

As I look at the time I realize that it's already 7:45 and I should have left 5 minutes ago if I wanted to be on time. I quickly grab my go bag and my work bag and throw it in the car and then I quickly speed off, trying my best not to make a bad impression on my first day.

* * *

It's 7:59 and I quickly grab my bags rushing into the building. As I'm run into the elevator I'm in such a rush that I don't see the person already standing in front of me until I bump into them. My bags fall from my hands and he catches my elbow and helps me stand up straight. I'm so embarrassed that I can't help but look down, where I realize my bags are quickly on the ground. I dart down to grab them at the same time he does and our heads bump.

I feel my face heats up immediately and I can't stop apologizing as I finally look up. When I look him in the face I am left breathless, his sharp jawline and beautiful brown eyes that are framed by these cute glasses that fit him perfectly. I watch as his brown shaggy hair covers his forehead and it has a boy band look. As I'm looking at him I realize that he's also sizing me up. I feel another wave of heat come across my cheeks, which is pretty normal because my face always seems to be blushing and causing a reddish tint on my pale skin.

I quickly stand up brushing my red locks back behind my ears with my bags in hand. This incident feels like it has lasted an hour but it's only been a couple seconds. I realize that I have to press the button to close the elevator doors and as I go to press it, I see that he already has the floor pressed.

I straighten myself out and I look to my right to see the man I had just bumped into fixing his glasses. I realize that I haven't yet introduced myself so I quickly scold myself internally and then I turn to him and introduce myself.

"Hi I'm y/n, I'm so sorry for running into you like that, I was just in a rush and i couldn't slow down, and now i might be late for my new job, which i started today and i'm kind of freaking out and i'm so ner-"

"Hey, hey, it's ok. I'm Dr. Spencer Reid by the way."

"Oh my god I'm just so sorry, I'm sure running into a stranger wasn't how you wanted your day to start."

"Actually it's ok, there was a 1 in 28,000 chance that we would meet anyways. So i'm glad today was the day"

I blush at his remark and say,

"I'm glad we met too!"

I see his cheeks turn a pinkish color, which looks really cute on his handsome face. The blush brings softness to his sharp jawline, and adds a cute little color to his nose. Then the elevator dings snapping me out of my trance. Good lord y/n, you just met this man and you already can't stop checking him out, I mean he is hot but be professional, he could be your boss or co worker.

As you both step out of the elevator together you ask,"So doctor what is it that you do here?"

"I'm actually a profiler" he says with a hint of pride in his voice

"Woah, really? That's what I'm supposed to be starting today and I'm so excited, and a little nervous but you could probably tell that with your profiling skills" I say as I glance over at him with a grin on my face.

"Actually it's quite normal to feel anxious on your first day of work, in fact you're essentially hardwired that way due to the hunter-gatherer days, when people would encounter another person that would usually mean that they were on another person's territory which could lead to dangerous situations."

"That's actually really cool!"


"Yes, if you ever want to tell me any other fact I'd be glad to hear them, but I do have to go talk to... uhh ... SSA Aaron Hotchner I think."

"Of course that would be really cool, if you need help with settling in just let me know. Also Hotch's office is right up there, hope everything goes well." He says while pointing at a door to a room that is elevated.

I give him a smile and a wave as I take off up the stairs and I knock on the door to the office that Doctor Spencer Reid pointed out to me.

"Come In" says a deep, stern voice. 

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Sorry if this was terrible. If you have any suggestions please comment them and I'll try to include them in the next upcoming chapters. 

Also, I love glasses reid and boyband reid so I decided to comine the two parts of each that I love. But If you want to picture him in a different way go right ahead. Thanks!


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