Chapter Six

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Spencer's POV

I walked through the door into the pool house and the smell of chlorine rushed into my nostrils. It reminds me of when I was younger and my mom and I would go to the pool. y/n name was walking in front of me so she picked a table to set our things down on.

I watch as she lifts the oversized shirt from her body and over her head. My eyes wander down her body and they dip between each of her curves. My eyes wandered back up to her face and I saw a blush creep up her chest and on to her face. My eyes meet hers and I slowly pull my own shirt over my head, my eyes still locked on hers. Once I had fully pulled my shirt off, I got lost in her eyes. We just stood there staring at each other until I snapped out of it and folded my shirt then set it on the table.

She stood in the same spot as I jumped into the pool while holding my knees and yelling, "Cannonball"

"Spencer!" y/n yelled

"What?" I feigned an innocent look on my face and continued to splash around the water.

"Doctor Spencer Reid I'm coming in there and you are going to pay for getting me wet!" She yells and then she jumps into the water almost directly on me.

I start to swim around the pool, splashing back at her and laughing my ass off. She looked so cute with the determined look on her face and her hair flopping all over her face. 

"Spencer, get your ass over here now!" She yells, making me laugh even harder. 

I've almost escaped until she grabs onto my leg, pulling me under the water. She then let's go and forces me to stand up. My breathing is heavy as I move the hair out of my eyes. Chuckling at the scene that had just occurred. When I got my breathing under control I realized how close we actually were and my laughing haltered. I told my legs to take a step back but they wouldn't budge. 

Before I knew it we had started to lean in towards each other and I held my breath, waiting for our lips to meet. But before they could

y/n whispers, "gotcha"

And splashed me with water, I stand there shocked until I finally come to my senses and I notice y/n trying to get to the latter to go out of the pool. I quickly swim towards her, but she's too quick and she's already out of the pool by the time I get to the ladder.

I quickly force myself out and chase after her, catching up to her small frame. As I'm about to grab her arm, she slips and falls on the wet, tile floor, taking me down with her.

y/n ends up on top of me and sits upon my chest. I try to settle down, but her fidgeting around doesn't help my...situation. I grip her hips trying to keep her still but it just causes her to fidget more. So I do the only rational thing I can think of and I flip us over so I'm on top.

"What the hell Spencer!" she shrieks and a smirk graces my lips.

I lean down right next to her and I whisper, "You're the fucking tease"

Her breath hitches in her throat, and I can hear her heartbeat pick up. I look over at her flushed face and find her eyes staring right back at me. The smirk that pulls at my lips while I lean back in and say,

"See you tomorrow y/n"

I then stand up, readjusting the bulge in my pants, and grab my towel to dry off. y/n slowly gets up off the ground as I'm walking toward the door to exit the pool house. I turn around to look at her and she looks at me then. Her eyes slowly drift down my body landing on the bulge in my pants and then they quickly flicked back up to my face. I watch as her facial expression turns into an embarrassed one and tosses the towel over my back, I throw a wink at her as I walk back towards my room. 

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Sorry, this is a really short chapter, I haven't been feeling the best so I've been resting. Hope you guys like the book so far. Also sorry if this chapter was cheesy, I was trying to show that spencer could be a little dominant at times. 

If you have any other suggestions please let me know.


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