Chapter Five

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y/n POV

As I left Spencer's apartment, my mind drifted off to the site I witnessed this morning when I woke up. Spencer in nothing but a towel. He was more toned than I could have ever imagined, I mean good for him. But wow, you could not tell from underneath his button-ups and sweater vests.

I finally arrived at my car and decided that I was going to have a relaxing day since I've been so stressed with work lately. I decide that I'm going to take a bath, do a face mask, and read a book.

* * *

After I arrive home and put on a face mask, I hop in the bath but not before I put bubbles in the water. I love bubbles. They always seem so happy. I grab my book which I'm currently reading, which is called sweet temptation. It's not the most appropriate book but I'm in the mood so I'm going to read it.

Once I was in the tub for 30 minutes I decided to get out even though I was at a really good part in my book. Like I said it's not the most appropriate so when I say the good part I mean the boy was tying the girl to the bed and they were about to pound it out. Why did I just say pound it out, god I'm so weird.

*Beep, Beep, Beep*

I look down at my phone to see an incoming call from JJ

"Hey JJ what's up?" I questioned, secretly knowing that it was probably her calling about a case.

"Hey y/n, we have a case, please try to get here as quickly as possible""Yes, of course, I'll be right there JJ!"

I hang up the phone and quickly get dressed and grab my go-bag. I jump in the car and drive to the BAU as quickly as I can since JJ doesn't usually call unless it's urgent. She usually just texts the rest of the team, but today something must be wrong.

I walk into the BAU and I see everyone gathered around the table in the conference room. They look up at me and they greet me with a small smile. Emily has sunglasses on which I'm sure is because of all the alcohol she drank last night and Garcia seems a little groggy.

I quickly sat down and JJ began to debrief us.

"There's been an explosion in Dallas."

"Right now it looks like it could possibly be a terrorist"

"Has anyone claimed responsibility?" Hotch asked with his usually stern face.

"No not yet, but we need to leave immediately so we can deal with this."

"Ok, Wheels up in 5"

Reid and I walk out of the conference room together and we quickly grab out bags heading to the jet. Since it will take a little less than 3 hours to get there, we decide to discuss the possibilities of what the explosion could have been and you all share your ideas.

* * *

We've finally arrived in Dallas and we head straight to the headquarters there. We get right to work, Hotch splits everyone one up. JJ handles the press, Hotch and Rossi work together with the local police and get everything settled. Morgan and Emily go to the crime scene, while Spencer and I work together to talk to the family members of the victims and we talk to any witnesses.

When I tell you I have never talked to so many people in just a short period of time I mean it. There were so many witnesses who thought they saw something and family members who were grieving. It was actually quite depressing, having to talk to family members who had just lost a loved one, and I knew how it felt so I guess that made me better for talking with them.

* * *

After about 8 hours of grueling work, it was now 8:00 pm and everyone wanted to just sleep. Normally I would too but I couldn't sleep. I just kept thinking about all those family members that were grieving and how they would have to live without them. They would never be able to see their child, spouse, or parent again.

Since I couldn't clear my mind, I decided to go swimming to try and distract myself. As I was leaving my hotel room I bumped into Reid, I wasn't expecting to see anyone so I had just decided to wear my two-piece bathing suit and an oversized shirt with some sandals. But Reid and I were constantly bumping into each other so I should have known.


"Are you going swimming y/n?"

"Yeah I'm trying to take my mind off of everything"

"Oh is everything ok?" Spencer asks concern clearly shown on his face.

"Yeah it's just that talking with all the victims brought back some memories of when my mom passed away"

"Oh, I'm so sorry, If you ever need to talk-"

"No it's ok, I would rather try to get my head off of things. Do you want to go swimming with me?" I hopefully questioned.

"Well, lucky for you y/n I am part of the 46% of the population that can swim so why not."

I grin at his response and wait for him outside his hotel room so that he can change. He comes out with a pair of shorts and a shirt. Then we go down to the pool together ready to swim and distract my mind off the grieving families. 

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I didn't even think of the pool scene until after I finished writing this so I hope that the next chapter doesn't sound too familiar. I hope yall are liking the story so far! 

Any suggestions?


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