Chapter Eight

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Spencer's POV

"Where is y/n?" Hotch questions

It was 5 minutes before we were supposed to leave the hotel and y/n still wasn't down here yet. She was usually always early so it was strange.

"Do you want me to go check on her sir?"

"Go ahead Spencer, this isn't like her?

I decided to take the stairs up to the fourth floor because I was kind of scared of elevators. I mean 30 people die every year from elevators and 17,000 people are seriously injured. I'm not taking my chances when I don't have to.

When I finally reach the fourth floor I'm a little winded. I work out and everything but stairs are always the death of me. They were when I was a pipe cleaner and still are now.

I knock on y/n's door and I can hear her fumbling around to open the door. She swings open the door and she looks like a disheveled mess. Her hair is everywhere and the buttons on her blouse are messed up and some buttons were missed.

"I- uh- Hotch wanted to know why you weren't downstairs yet." I push out the words still shocked that y/n isn't her usual put-together self.

"Y-yeah sorry, I just woke up late and I've had a lot on my mind." She says the last part while looking down at her feet.

"Oh it's ok, do you need help bringing down your bags?"

"Oh-um sure."

I pick up her go-bag, while she grabs her work bag and shuts the door behind her. We start to head to the elevator since she has bags and I don't want to ditch her just to take the stairs. Plus I'm sure she would think I'm being stupid for not wanting to risk going on the elevator.

She steps on the elevator first, then I hesitate before I finally step on.

She notices, "Spence are you ok?"

"Yeah, it's just- never mind, you'll think I'm acting like a child."

"Spence I would never think that. Just tell me what's wrong maybe I can help"

"Well, I'm kind of afraid of elevators," I say while trying to stare at a hole in the floor of the elevator.

"Hey Spence," she squeezes my hand and I look up to meet her eyes, "that's a very reasonable fear. In fact, I'm afraid of bridges. Plus if you were scared, you didn't have to ride the elevator with me."

"I know I just didn't want to ditch you. And I can completely understand the bridge fear. In fact, about 128 bridges collapse yearly."

"Um, thanks Spence for the comfort," she smiles back at me and the elevator begins to move.

When the elevator hits the second floor it starts to shake and slow down. Y/n quickly grabs my arms and squeezes it. I start to freak out and start shaking.

When the elevator has come to a complete stop I turn to y/n. Starting to have a panic attack and get really hot. I try to loosen my tie but my hands are too sweaty and it's not working.

She takes the tie in her hands and slowly loosens it. Her hands slightly brush against my chest. I try to calm myself down by taking deep breaths but it's still not working. My thoughts wander back to the time that I was stuck in the elevator with Morgan. He teased me over and over again, making me feel like a kid. But I'm not a kid, I hate it when they call me that. Just because I'm the youngest doesn't mean that they can belittle me, I mean I have a doctorate for Pete's sake.

Without realizing it I have started to pace in the little space and my breathing has calmed down a little, while my thoughts are just being let loose.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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