Chapter Four

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Spencer's POV

As I woke up I could help but let my mind drift off the body sleeping in my bed. Her scent was probably getting all over the covers and just imagining her wearing my clothes was making me excited. When she stepped out of the bathroom with my boxers on and her perfect, long legs on display for the world I just wanted to stare at them. But I had to be a gentleman, she was my friend and co-worker after all and as much as I would love for her to be mine, I have to keep things professional until I know what she wants.

I made my way up off of the uncomfortable couch stretching my back, hoping that no aches would form, and then I made my way to my bedroom. I know she is still in there sleeping but I have to take a shower to try and reduce the hangover, plus I smelt liquor and vomit which were not my favorite scents in the world.

I decided to softly know on my bedroom door, hoping that I wouldn't wake her up if she was still sleeping but only let her know I was coming in if she was awake. There was no answer, so I slowly opened the door, while trying to make as little noise as possible. Her sleeping form tangled in my covers and the side of her face pressed against my pillow. I couldn't help but imagine what my pillows will smell like tonight and I was actually looking forward to it. God Spencer, you sound so creepy just staring at her while sleeping.

I softly groaned and went into my bathroom where I quickly turned on the water, making sure it was warm before I stepped in. One I finished washing myself and my hair, I knew I had to quickly get out of the shower before I let my hands wander while thinking about y/n.

So I grabbed the towel on the hook and wrapped it around my waist barely drying myself before I stepped out of the bathroom. When I opened the door I realized that y/n was awake and hadn't quite noticed my presence. I decided to clear my throat so it wouldn't be awkward if she realized after a while that I had just been standing there. I must have startled her a little bit because she jumped and then I saw realization set in on her face before a smile graced her lips.

I had completely forgotten that I was only in a towel until I saw her eyes drift down my chest. I had a somewhat toned body, I wouldn't say that I am Derek Morgan ripped, but I also wouldn't say that I'm a pipe cleaner anymore. Over the years I've started working out and I've grown some muscles. Is that even the right term, Grown? Whatever, but I also kind of have a six-pack, I mean it's there but again it's not like I have Derek's body. After I come out of whatever trance I was just in I realize that she is still looking at my chest. I'm sure it's not what she expected, given that I look like a nerd all of the time.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" I ask confidently, which also seems to take her by surprise

She ignores my question and instead of answers with, "I think I should be going"

"Ok, do you need a ride home?"

"Actually yes that would be great," she says while fidgeting with her fingers.

After about 15 minutes of her getting her stuff together, I grab my keys and head out to the car with her following. I couldn't help but notice that she was still wearing my boxers and t-shirt since I didn't have any other clothes for her to wear and her dress from last night was covered in vomit. I also tried to offer to wash the dress but she refused and would not let up this time.

We got in the car together and drove her the 10 minutes it took to get to her house, all the while in silence. But it wasn't an awkward silence, it was comfortable, almost relaxing.

Soon I pulled up to her house and grabbed her bags while walking to the door, she let me inside and told me where to drop the bags. I dropped them on her bedroom floor where she asked me to put them then I sat down on her bed while I examined her bedroom.

Her apartment was very cozy, and there were lots of colors and books. I mean there were books everywhere, so much so that you would think we were in my apartment. But as I examined her books, they weren't the typical books that I read but they were romance books.

"Who would have known that little miss y/n was a romantic" I teased

She blushed and rushed over to take the book out of my hand but I wouldn't give.

"Ask nicely y/n," I said sternly hoping that she would give in and say what I wanted to hear. But she was a stubborn one.

"Only if you drive me to work on Monday" I feigned a thoughtful look on my face because I knew I would oblige to the request since she had told me earlier that her car was in the shop so she had to take a cab to work until it was fixed. After I agreed she quickly snatched the book out of my hands and put it back on one of her bookshelves in her room.

Seeing as she might have things to do today I decided to leave her house and head home with a smile on my face and excitement for Monday to come. 

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I know some of this is a little cheesy, but oh well. Hope you guys are liking it so far!


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