Chapter Two

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Spencer's POV

I watch as y/n walks through the door into Hotch's office. I was awestruck, she was one of the only people to ever find one of my facts interesting and actually wanted to hear more. I couldn't wait till she officially started working here at the BAU.

Not only was she actually interested in me, but she was also gorgeous. She has long, wavy, red hair, with beautiful blue eyes. She was also taller, probably 5'9 or 5'10 which normally wasn't my type, but damn I loved it.

I must have been sitting there thinking about her for 5 minutes or so because I hear the door of Hotch's office opens and they both walk out. She's smiling her heartwarming smile as they talk about something unknown. She soon parts away from Hotch and walks to the vacant desk across from mine so we're facing each other. My heart skips a beat due to the knowledge that she chose to sit across from me instead of taking the seat my Morgan.

JJ walks out of her office towards the conference room and tells us that the case is a bad one. We gather in the conference room. I sit next to hotch and y/n, while the others gather in their seats all eyeing y/n. I can't help but feel a little protective over y/n against the team's judgemental glances.

Soon JJ starts to discuss the case, and she was right it was a pretty bad one. It involved young women getting raped, tortured and then their bodies were dumped in the woods where there is evidence that the unsub has gone back to visit the bodies. I glance at y/n to see how she is dealing with her first case, her cute little nose seems to be shriveled up in disgust but there's a thoughtful look on her face saying that she may have an idea about the unsub.

We then are told wheels up in thirty and we get ready to head on the jet and get to upstate new york. y/n and I go to grab our bags and we decide to head to the jet together so it's easier since everyone else is already going together.

* * *

On the plane we discuss the case a little more and then we separate. Hotch and Rossi head off to two different seats across the cabin of the jet and then Emily and JJ also go off to talk. Since I'm sitting across from y/n I decide to ask if she wants to play chess. I haven't played with anyone since Gideon and sometimes I really miss it. Plus I want to be able to talk to her more about her life and learn why she switched to the BAU.

"Hey y/n, do you want to play some chess?, I know we only have about 30 minutes to play but i thought it would be a good pass time"

"Sure I'd love to, I used to play with my dad all the time"

"Really? I used to play with a member of our team but he decided to leave." I said with a sad face, remembering the time that my dad left me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My mom left me too so I know how it feels." I can hear her voice grim.

"Well enough with the depressing talk, lets get started."

After about five minutes of playing chess with little chatter, y/n decides to speak.

"Do you want to play 20 questions? The silence while playing is uncomfortable."

"Yes, of course, sound like fun"

We started off with basic questions like what's your favorite color, and what was the name of your childhood pet. Apparently her favorite color is blue, and her childhood pet's name was Daisy sparkles. I couldn't help but laugh at her dog's name, it was so cute.

"What do you do outside of work?" she asked

"When I actually have time, I like to read and sight see."

"Not hang out with friends or a significant other?"

"I don't really have any friends outside of work, or a significant other" not yet at least. I couldn't help but laugh to myself at that thought. Oh how I'd love to make her mine.

"What about you, do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?" I asked curiously, praying that the answer was a no so I could fill that space.

"No I don't have a boyfriend Doctor" I couldn't help the smirk that creeped on my face when she said that. I loved it when she called me doctor, no one ever calls me that, especially because I'm only 28. But out of her mouth it was perfect.

We finished our chess game as the plane was about to land and I couldn't help but feel accomplished with the conversation we just had, and the fact that I barely won our chest game against her. She was actually pretty good, at least I'll have another chess partner. 

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Sorry this chapter was a lot of fluff but hopefully they will get better soon. Thanks!


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