I am done with this Drama!

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ok yes guys this is another update. So because of all this drama going around I decided that I'm going to go with Plan B which was to do the story with a different ending. If you don't know what's going on Piper is basically shading Sophie at this moment saying that how Sophie doesn't want to be her friend anymore or and that how Sophie talk bad about her with Gavin, and at this point I'm pretty sure all of you will agree with me that this is complete bull so I will go with my plan B the story will be finished but it will be with a different ending because at this point I am done. And also let's not forget that the only one that was there for Piper when Gavin and her broke up was Sophie so I don't know why she's shadingnSophie when her and Jentzen broke up like this so messed up, like did she forget Sophie at feeling too or what's the big deal? Honestly at this point I am so over the drama and I just want to finish the story... I hope you understand and make sure to stay tuned for my new goat fam story coming soon!  And Also  stand Gavin and Walker for having clear skin because Gavin and Walker have both made it very clear at this point that don't are supporting Sophie during this tough time unlike some other ungrateful friends (no hate tho❤😂)

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