Death children and gods

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"With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later. Who? What?" Rachel looked like she was going crazy.

"One of my children. The powers they receive drain them too much."

"Nico then." Hermes tried to beat Athena again.

"When was this?" Nico asked which made Hermes sigh as Athena smiled evilly.

"In the underworld. On my third trip." Percy clarified"After you put pretty much the whole castle to sleep, you pretty much passed out on me." Hermes was smirking at that and Athena was glaring.

"Next, "Your voice is your identity. If you don't use it-your half way to Asphodel already."


"No lord Mercury."


"Yes m'lady?"

"Am I right?"

"Yes, though I feel I need to take my own advice."

"Yes you do death breath." Thalia said, bopping him over the head.

"I'm not choosing one of your paths. I'm making my own"

"I don't care, I think they got the right idea." Artemis spoke up.


"No but I have been put in a similar situation."


"No I wish."



"OK it was Hazel. Care to give details?"

"Well, Rachel, Hecate gave me a cross road and they all had my friends and brother dying, so I forged my own path to greatness."

"Wow. Smart." Apollo said not flirtingly but genuinely.

"Life's only precious cuz' it ends, kid."

"A character that is not here."

"Don't be too sure of yourself, Athena." Evan Rachel can talk back to the gods without getting into too much trouble.

"Ares, he is the only one who would bother talking to demigods but still not be nice to them."

"Yes lord Hermes.Next, "A kind act can sometimes be as powerful as a sword.""




"Yeah, Hades, you sure know your sister."

"Spending eternity in your fathers stomach does that to you."

"Okay...."Because I know you, Percy Jackson, in many ways you are impulsive, but when it comes to your friends, you are as constant as a compass needle. You are unswervingly loyal, and you inspire loyalty. You are the glue that will unite the seven." Wow, that is a long sentence."

"Um, maybe Athena?" Apollo put in an actual good guess for once.

"Nope, good try."

"Someone who is not here, most likely your mother."

"Gods no!" Annabeth yelled that one.

"Mother....hmmmm." Hephaestus mumbled.



"Hera." Hephaestus says it is his worst enemy.


"Last one that I am reading. "See lady, that's what happens to snow in Texas, it-freaking-melts."

lots of laughs from the demigods for that one. Especially because she said it sassy.

"Leo!" Apollo yelled happily.

"Give me that." Reyna orders.

"Fine, fine, here you go."

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