Things 'Bout to Get Dark

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AN:What you've all been waiting for! Sorry for taking so long but blame the Styx! LONGER THAN NEEDED TO MAKE UP FOR IT! MERRY CHRISTMAS! And Happy New Year or St. Patricks day or Febuary. OR WHAT EVER IT IS BY THE TIME I GET THIS OUT........;)

"Alright. Settle down. Who's that?.'After a while Luke said, "You miss being on a quest?" "With monsters attacking me every three feet? Are you kidding?" Luke raised an eyebrow. "Yeah I miss it," I admitted. "You?"" Frank started with the story as every one scowled or looked confused at the picture.

"That would be the body Kronos possessed when he rose." Thalia said grudgingly.

"Alright so it's giving some before hand stuff so it doesn't seem so out of the blue." Percy interrupted.

"Oh. OH! This is that?! Holy cow! Ok! Man you couldn't even remember what he said afterwards. I guess this is our chance to see how things went down." Annabeth said a little too fast to follow.

"Ok, be quiet. 'A shadow passed over his face. "I've lived at Half-Blood year round since I was fourteen," He told me. "Ever since Thalia....well, you know. I trained, and trained, and trained. I never got to be a normal teenager, out there in the real world. Then they threw me one quest, and when I came back, it was like, 'Okay, ride's over. Have a nice life.'" "

"Wow, this is a lot lighter than I expected." Thalia said.

"Well I can tell you that he would have hesitated longer when he said Thalia's name and it would have been a lot more choked with emotion there." Annabeth who'd known him the most filled in.

"He's just getting started." Frank the kill joy.

"Aren't we all?" Leo called.

"Ok. '"The heck with laurel wreaths," Luke said. I'm not going to end up like those dusty trophies in the Big House attic." "You make it sound like you're leaving." Luke gave me a twisted smile. "Oh, I'm leaving, all right, Person's name. I brought you down here to say good-bye." He snapped his fingers. A small fire burned a hole in the ground at my feet. Out crawled something glistening black, about the size of my hand. A scorpion. I started to go for my (Pen) weapon. "I wouldn't," Luke cautioned. "Pit scorpions can jump up to fifteen feet. Its stinger can pierce right through your clothes. You'll be dead in sixty seconds." "

"Ah. That's darker for you." Apollo added helpfully.

"Yes, that would. At least he warned them, right?" Grover said looking sick.

"Yeah." Thalia says sadly.

"I mean, yeah. He could have just let it kill me." Percy tries to cheer them up.

"It's no use Percy. Continue Frank." Ah Annabeth has joined the Debbie downer party.

" Yes ma'am. '"Luke what-" Then it hit me. You will be betrayed by one who calls you a friend. "You," I said.'"

"Percy." Hermes says yet muffled in his hands as he hasn't looked up since Luke was mentioned.

"Yes lord Murcu-Hermes. 'He stood calmly and brushed off his jeans. The scorpion paid him no attention. It kept its beady black eyes on me, clamping its pinchers as it crawled onto my shoe.I saw a lot out there in the world , Percy. Didn't you feel it - the darkness gathering, the monsters growing stronger? Didn't you realize how useless it all is? All the heroes - being pawns of the gods. They should have been overthrown thousands of years ago, but they've hung on, thanks to us half-bloods.""

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