Hermes swoops in for the win

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"Thank you prater. Wow, that is way to sirius for kelp head, and death breath is too young. I also look young. Whatever, moving on. "I'm nobody's sidekick." Thalia states not letting the others see the picture.

"Grover." Athena says instantly.


"Annabeth." Hermes says carefully like he is pretty sure but not for certain.

"Yep, that'd be my Anny."

"Shut it Thals." Annabeth mutters.

"Aw you love me. Anyways. "Does truth have a moral?" Thalia continues.

"Me." "Apollo." "Me?" Hermes, Athena and Apollo said almost all at once besides Apollo who knew for a fact it was not him.

"One at a time people!"

"Me." Hermes rushed knowing that was something he'd say.

"Yeah. Next, "There is always a way out for those clever enough to find it." Whoever says all these are geniuses."

"You gave it away-" "Athena! Ha!" Hermes interrupted Athena before taunting her.

"Yeah. I guess I did. Oh well. Next, "But remember boy, that a kind act is sometimes as powerful as a sword." Wow, just wow."

"Hestia." Hermes said thinking he's on a roll.


"Mother." Ares put in thinking this was stupid but what the heck, what's he got to loose.

"Nope. Hint?"

"Yes please." Aphrodite asked politely.

"It is a god, and one that talks to the demigods quite a bit." Percy says trying to keep a straight face, as he stares at his dad, figuring that would give away the least amount of information.


"No Apollo."





"Ok jeese."

"Dionysus." Hermes says between laughing at Apollo being talked down to by a 15 year old girl.

"Ding ding ding. Last one till Death breath has to read. "Maybe it's ok to still be a kid once and awhile." Cheesy don't you think. Wait this has the whole conversation to read later and oh my gods." Thalia did not think of this one very highly being a eternal kid. Percy burst out silently laughing at the end of the quote and then stopped to catch his breath, give an explanation and make everybody but a bright red Di Angelo burst into laughter.

"Um Nico, since he's the only one of you that isn't laughing their butts off?" Apollo guessed.


"Percy Jackson." Athena who had been watching the demigods very closely guessed.

"I'll just read the conversation. "I held out a lead figurine of Hades—the little Mythomagic statue Nico had abandoned when he fled camp last winter.

Nico hesitated. "I don't play that game anymore. It's for kids."

"It's got four thousand attack power," I coaxed.

"Five thousand," Nico corrected. "But only if your opponent attacks first."

I smiled. "Maybe it's okay to still be a kid once in a while.""

"Wow, that is funny!" Apollo agreed as Artemis smiled at the kindness in these boys. Hades and Poseidon held eye contact, seeming to have a whole conversation in just a few seconds.

"Your turn Death Breath! Make sure not to portray nuttin'. Got it! Wait, you never portray nuttin'. You're good. Read Bianca's brother."

"Thalia, how many times have I told you not to call him Bianca's brother and learn his name?!" Percy exclaimed.

"I'm just messin' with him Jackson! Quit actin' like he's your little brother or he might just start acting like one back. I can tell you it ain't good for yu."

"Aw shut up Pinecone face. At least I treat him like a person." Percy started,"Mama bear." He muttered under his breath.

"Aw shut it kelp head. At least I never tried to kill the kid!"

"I at least leave the past buried!"

"Yeah and invade privacy that you don't need to know!"

"It's not my fault! And how would you know that!"

"SHUT UP!!" Nico screamed at them as 4 skeletons pinned the two. "Annabeth this is what you missed when you were kidnapped. Is Thalia striking Percy with lightning and them almost killing each other! Also are you both going to keep talking like I'm not standing RIGHT HERE or what?! So give me the book and let's continue before I bury you both 6 feet under! You are dismissed." he yells before dismissing the servants and ripping the book out of Thalia's hands as they scurry and sit down. Everyone else was really just wide eyed and on the verge of pulling weapons to defend themselves and running for the hills, or in the gods case, see who wins.

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